“Of me?”

That forced her to turn and look him in the eyes. They were wary as they watched her. She’d hurt him on some level when she ran off the other day. She hadn’t meant to, but she had. Perhaps it was too much like the last time when she’d left, only this time had been her choice, not her father’s. “Of course not,” she said emphatically. “I was scared of this. Us. This thing between us, whatever it is. I thought that after all this time, it might have lessened, but it hasn’t. So I ran.”

Her gaze dropped down to the knot of his silk tie and focused there instead of the face that was studying every one of her vulnerabilities. Then she felt the warm press of his hand against her cheek. He guided her back up to look at him. “You’re not the only one that feels that way,” he said.

Before she could really consider what that meant, his lips were on hers. She leaned into him, seeking out the comfort and protection he offered as he wrapped his arms around her. As a young woman, she’d always felt safe in River’s arms. When she lost Dawn and everything seemed to be crumbling around her, she wanted his embrace more than anything else, and it was the one thing she couldn’t have. But she could have it now. At least for a while.

“River?” She pulled away and whispered his name into the space between them.

An expression of physical pain flickered across his face for a moment. “You aren’t about to run off again, are you? I’m not sure I can take that a second time.”

“No. You’re in my office, so I’m not going anywhere. I just wanted to talk about something before this went too much further.”

“What?” His fingertips pressed into the curve of her waist, massaging her hip as she spoke and making it hard for her to focus on her words.

“It’s just that...well...I don’t want anyone to find out about this. Whatever this is going on between us. If someone does, it will get ruined, I’m certain of it. I’d rather walk away now than have something with you spoiled again. Can we please keep it—whatever we decide we want it to be—just between us?”

He sighed and leaned back from her. His disappointment was palpable. “Great. Another Steele secret.”

“It’s not about keeping it a secret,” she argued. “It’s about not letting outside influences taint this. I want you. You want me. It’s a simple thing. Neither of us is looking for anything more than a little comfort and release. Maybe some closure. But I don’t want it to impact our professional work. Keeping this between us is the best way to make sure that doesn’t happen. No drama, no scandal...nothing for Daddy to freak out over. Just a little fun between the two of us while it lasts.”

“And after the key ceremony?”

Morgan brushed a strand of hair from his eyes. That event would mark the end of the project, as they handed over the keys to the new residents of the homes they’d built. It would be a bittersweet event for Morgan in more ways than one. “After the key ceremony, I think the best thing is for me to go back to DC and for you to go off and capitalize on the good work you’ve done here. That’s the point of all this, right?”

“Right,” he repeated, but she got the sense he wasn’t content with this arrangement.

Did he want more? An actual relationship? Didn’t he see how impossible that would be? It would be an uphill battle for them every step of the way until something drove them apart again. There was no sense in even entertaining something like that.

“You want me, don’t you?” she asked.

His hands cupped her rear and pulled her tight against his erection. “You know I do.”

“Then what’s the matter? I thought you’d be happy. A no-strings affair with someone you have amazing chemistry with? That seems like a pretty sweet arrangement, especially considering both of us work too hard for anything more complicated.”

“It’s not that. The arrangement is fine. I guess I just want to know what’s changed,” he said.

Morgan pulled away and looked up at him. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, the last time we were together, you literally ran from the room. You said you were scared of what we had between us, and now you’re practically crawling into my lap. What’s different about this time? Is it the secrecy that makes you feel more secure? Are you ashamed of people knowing we’re together, even casually?”

“Of course not. It has nothing to do with that.” She reached up and stroked his cheek, feeling the coarse hairs of his beard tickle against her palm. It was an obvious reminder that he wasn’t the boy she’d loved anymore. He was a man. A man that she wanted very badly, despite how she argued with herself. Over the last two weeks, she’d wrestled with how to move forward with River and get what she wanted without exposing the past she needed to keep hidden. For now, the best she could do was to try and keep parts of herself from being exposed so he wouldn’t ask questions. Whether that entailed lingerie, dim lighting or her current strategy—staying partially clothed—it didn’t matter. She was confident in her plan. If he was willing to go along with it.

“In the end, does it really matter why I changed my mind, as long as I have?” She looked at him with her mostly sultry gaze, hoping that it would make the answer moot.

“It shouldn’t,” River agreed. “I know I should just shut my mouth, thank the stars for the situation I’m currently in and take full advantage, but I guess I’m an ass and I overthink everything.”

Morgan cradled his face in her hands and looked him in the eyes. “What’s important is that I want you, River. Every time I argue with myself about it, every time I deny what I need, it only makes me want you even more. What’s different is that I know I can’t run from it anymore. So as far as I’m concerned, there’s only one thing left for us to do.”

“What’s that?” he asked.

“Lock my office door.”


Morgan leaned back on the conference table with a mischievous smile, watching as River quickly rushed over to her door and flipped the lock. This was the moment they’d both been waiting for. She’d tried denying herself and running from her feelings, but it was clear that River wasn’t going to let her avoid it any longer. The only thing to do was give in to what they both wanted, and she knew she could do it in a way that kept any questions at bay.

Her office was private and separated from the other Steele executives on the top floor. Her calendar was clear for the rest of the afternoon and her assistant was gone for the day. The only windows overlooked downtown, with no way for anyone to see what was about to happen in her corner office. It was the perfect place to indulge at last.