“Of course I saved you.” He sat back and cupped her face in his hands. “I love you, Jade. More than you can ever imagine. I would do anything to bring you home to me.”

He loved her? Jade was overwhelmed by everything going on, but she couldn’t let that detail pass by unnoticed. “Did you say you loved me?” she asked.

Harley smiled. “I did. I love you, Jade Nolan. Very much. I only wish I’d gotten to tell you before all this happened. For a while last night, I thought I might not get the chance.”

Jade brought her hand to his cheek. It was very stubbly, as he probably hadn’t shaved or showered. He was still wearing his tuxedo, minus the bow tie. His eyes were lined with worry and he looked as exhausted as she felt. And yet he w

as the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen. “I love you, too, Harley.”

He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. The kiss was loaded with emotions they’d both held in. Now it all poured out at once. Love, relief, need, happiness. She pulled away from his kiss only when she had to cough. She’d been hacking most of the morning.

“I’m sorry. My throat is so dry. I haven’t had anything to drink since the champagne at the party.”

“I can fix that.” Harley lifted a phone to his ear. “She’s here. Yes, she’s safe. Bring the blanket and the water.”

As Jade looked up, she noticed there was a virtual crowd of people rushing over to her. She recognized the silhouettes of her parents immediately. Arthur and Carolyn swooped in, practically nudging Harley aside to hold their daughter. She had never been happier to see her family.

“Are you okay, honey?” Carolyn asked. She brushed the hair from Jade’s eyes and studied the bump on her head. “You’re bleeding.”

“I’m fine, Mama. I’m just happy to see you.”

Arthur squeezed her shoulder and smiled. “There’s some other people here that are happy to see you, too.” He stood and stepped aside to reveal another couple hovering nearby.

It was Trevor and Patricia Steele. They were standing awkwardly at a distance, obviously wanting to help somehow, but not wanting to intrude on her moment with Harley and her parents.

Patricia stepped forward at last, crouching down to hand Jade a bottle of water they’d brought with them. “Here you go, dear. I’m so glad you’re safe. We were worried sick all night.”

Those were words she wasn’t expecting. A lot must have happened while she was tied up in this warehouse. “Really?”

Harley smiled and rubbed her back encouragingly. “They know everything. They even helped pay the ransom.”

Trevor came up beside his wife and got down onto one knee. “No Steele Left Behind,” he said with a smile. He studied her face for a moment, then shook his head in amazement. “You look almost exactly like your mother did at that age. It’s uncanny.”

He reached out and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “We’ve got a lot to talk about, little girl, but let’s get you out of here first. We have plenty of time to catch up.”

Harley helped her up off the concrete floor and wrapped her in a blanket Trevor brought in with them. Jade was content to disappear into the cocoon of soft wool as they walked slowly out of the warehouse to awaiting cars. The Steeles waved to her before they piled into a black Escalade with a uniformed driver. Beside it was her father’s minivan and the Jaguar, parked haphazardly as though Harley had rushed in to find her.

“Harley has to take you to the police station to get your statement and let you get checked out,” Carolyn said. “You call us later and let us know you’re okay.”

“Yes, Mama.” Carolyn kissed her on the cheek, and then let Arthur guide her over to the van.

As they pulled away, Harley helped Jade into his car, then came around his side to sit down beside her. Instead of starting the engine, he reached for her hand and held it tightly in his. “Before we go to the station, there’s something I need to say. Jade... I would’ve done anything to get you back.”

“Including paying my captors ten million dollars?” she asked. The sum seemed ridiculous, but her kidnappers were aiming high.

“In a heartbeat. I’d pay it again if I had to.”

Jade looked into his blue eyes, which were glassy with tears, and felt her chest tighten with emotion. “Don’t say that loud enough for those guys to hear you or they might try this again. Unless they’ve been...caught?” she asked.

Harley shook his head. “Unfortunately, no. The police were watching the bus station, but had to wait to move in until after those thugs texted your location to me. By then they were long gone, and the cops lost them in the maze of streets downtown. But we’ll find them. You can count on it.”

“Another exciting job for you to take on,” Jade said with a rueful smile.

“I think I’m going to leave most of that to the police. The last twelve hours have provided enough excitement to last me a lifetime,” Harley said. “The only rush I need is the feeling of you in my arms and the flutter of nerves in my stomach when I see you smile at me from across the room. I’d happily sit behind my desk and live a safe and secure life with you until I draw my last breath. Which hopefully will be well into my eighties or nineties.”

“You really mean that?”

“I sure do. Let me prove it.”