Logan had to chuckle, both at Clark’s imagery and the idea of him being threatened by the oldest Chamberlain daughter. “So you got caught red-handed?”

Clark nodded. “Yeah, there’s no sense in attempting pleas of innocence. I just gotta try to get the best deal I can and hope it doesn’t cost me everything I was trying so hard to save.”

Logan nodded and stood up. “Well, let’s pay your bail and get you out of here.”

Chapter Fourteen

Emmett watched his surroundings like a hawk. It was paranoid, he knew, but he needed to use more discretion now than ever before. He’d never thought twice about driving out to the Chamberlain mansion before. If anyone asked, he’d tell them he was doing an estimate for some carpentry work Miss Adelia wanted done. Why else would he be there?

Now, with the way things were with Maddie, it was different. They’d hardly even talked about his carpentry work. Between their war, community service, and the unexpected relationship that had developed, he hadn’t had time to take on any side jobs. If she were to find out he was at the mansion, she wouldn’t take it well, he knew it.

He’d been lucky that Adelia hadn’t called while Maddie was in the apartment. He’d gotten out of the shower that day and slipped his phone into his pocket without looking at it. It was hours later that he realized he had a missed call from Adelia that came in right around the time she left. That was a close call.

He’d called Adelia back and suggested they meet on Monday. Woody’s was closed, but Madelyn’s wasn’t, so it reduced the risk of running into her. To make double sure, he drove past the bakery on his way to Willow Lake, where the Chamberlain mansion was located. He could see her through the window, talking to a customer.

Satisfied, he continued to the house to meet with Adelia. The Chamberlains’ butler, Winston, met him at the door. “Good afternoon, Mr. Sawyer,” he said, letting him inside. “Miss Adelia is waiting for you in the sunroom.”

“Thanks, Winston,” he said, heading toward the back of the house.

He found her sitting at a table with a full tea service waiting on his arrival. Miss Adelia was fond of her tea parties out in the gazebo on the lawn, but when the weather was chilly, she moved either inside the house or into her sunroom.

In the last twenty-four hours, fall had arrived with a vengeance. Emmett had to drag his one and only coat out of the closet—he hadn’t needed many in Tampa. Once he stepped through the French doors that led to her protected space, he was able to slip it off. It was comfortably pleasant in the room with the sun streaming through the glass and flowers hanging in pots, making them feel like they were still outdoors.

“Emmett,” Miss Adelia declared when she saw him. “I’m glad you’re here. Have a seat and I’ll pour you some tea.”

By the time he sat and had unzipped his leather portfolio to look over the printouts he’d brought for her accounts, she’d poured them both cups of tea and doctored them with cream and sugar, accordingly.

“Cookie made her ooey-gooey butter cake today,” she noted as she took her first sip of tea. “Be sure to save some room for that or you’ll be disappointed.”

Emmett had no doubt that Maddie got her love of baking from the Chamberlains’ housekeeper. He’d never eaten a full meal at the house, but Adelia always offered him tea service, or at the very least, iced tea and cookies. The treats were always homemade and always wonderful. Growing up around that might’ve inspired him to become a baker, too. That, or a personal trainer to work off all those calories.

With that pleasant thought in mind, he reached for his plate and piled it with a few sweet and savory choices. There were finger sandwiches with egg salad or pimento cheese, cheese straws, an assortment of cookies, and a few gooey golden squares that could only be ooey-gooey butter cake.

“So tell me, what’re you wanting to do with your investment accounts?” he asked.

Emmett took extremely detailed notes as Adelia listed all the changes she was looking to make. They were subtle shifts, but in large enough quantities to make a big difference. It was a smart move. She was shoring up some of her more risky elements with more stable investments. At her age, that’s exactly what she needed to be doing.

“And what was it you said about more funds?” he asked as he wrote down his last note.

“Oh, yes. I’ve come into a little bit of money that I’d like to add in, about twenty-five grand. I’d like to put most of it against those bonds we were discussing. Maybe invest the rest in that solar start-up company. I’ve got a check for it here,” she said, reaching for her purse. She flipped through her pocketbook, frowning into the recesses of it. “Well, shoot,” she said at last.

Emmett looked up from his notebook and egg salad sandwich in surprise. “What is it?”

“Well, since I knew you were coming, I called the bank this morning to have them draft a certified check for my account deposit. I know that makes it easier for you without the holds they always place on personal checks. But then I got all wrapped up in correspondence this morning and I didn’t go into town to pick it up. Mr. Osborne, the bank manager, has it held for me. I’ll have to pick it up and bring it by the bar later. Will that be okay?”

Emmett knew better than to say no. It was a risk for Adelia to come to the bar with Maddie so close by, but there was nothing he could do about it. “Sure thing. I’m usually awake by two or three in the afternoon during the week.” Sometimes he got up earlier, but if she showed up around that time, Maddie should be busy welcoming Gertie and getting her up to speed on the afternoon’s chores.

Miss Adelia shook her head. “I don’t know how you keep that miserable schedule, dear, but I’ll text you to let you know when I plan to come by. It might not be until Wednesday or Thursday. It depends on what else needs doing around here.”

“That’s fine. I don’t think waiting a day or two will impact your portfolio. I’ll go ahead and make the other changes you want. The things you’re interested in investing in are fairly stable.”

“Good, that’s settled. Now we can enjoy our tea with less-trying conversation.” Adelia set her purse aside and scooped up her cup of tea. “So tell me, how are things with you and Maddie?” she asked.

Emmett stiffened. “What do you mean?”

Miss Adelia arched a delicate white eyebrow at him. “I’m not a fool, dear. You two were at each other’s throats and now the war is suddenly over. You worked as a team to capture Clark Newton. I’m sure there’s more to it, so please don’t bother with playing ignorant.”

“I wouldn’t dare try,” Emmett admitted. He knew the Chamberlain matriarch was sharp; she didn’t miss many details. He’d heard stories of her infamous interference in fixing up both Blake and Grant with their current fiancées. It made him wonder if, somehow, his relationship with Maddie was her doing as well. Had she even needed to make investment changes or was it just a good excuse to lure him here and pump him for information? If that were true, he needed to stay on his toes.