Admitting she was wrong and apologizing to all the people she’d hurt over the years might be one of the hardest things she’d done in her life, but it needed to happen. She told Gertie she’d do it and she’d meant it. Maddie was starting a new chapter in her life and she didn’t want her past sins hanging over her head a moment longer.

“I was talking to Grant the other day, and that conversation helped me realize that I’ve been very . . . unpleasant to you over the years. I’ve been unpleasant to a lot of people, but I know you got the brunt end of a lot of it.”

Pepper held her hand up to stop her. “Did Grant put you up to this? I know he’s got this fantasy image of one big happy family at our wedding, but I’m not as idealistic. You don’t have to throw an empty apology at me just to make him happy.”

“No, he didn’t. Actually, he did ask me to apologize to you months ago, but true to form, I never did it. Now I’m coming to you on my own, because I’ve realized that it’s the right thing to do. We work next door to each other and you’re going to be a part of my family. We’re going to spend more time together and I’d like it if those moments weren’t awkward or strai

ned for either of us because I’ve been so mean to you in the past.”

Pepper crossed her arms in a defensive sort of way. Maddie wasn’t surprised. She was waiting for Maddie to either chicken out or finally say the apology she’d been waiting years to hear.

“I’m sorry for the way I’ve treated you. You never deserved any of the horrible things I’ve said or done to you over the years. I was a spoiled kid, getting everything that I could possibly want. I thought that for some reason that made me a better person than other people who weren’t as fortunate, when what I should’ve been doing was using my resources to help others. I know I haven’t been the nicest person to you, or anyone, really. You may not believe me, but I’m trying to make a change in my life. I’ve accepted the fact that I can be really judgmental, and I’m working toward being a more open-minded and friendly person. To everyone.”

Pepper watched her suspiciously as she spoke. She seemed almost stunned but was too jaded to accept her apology at face value.

“Anyway,” Maddie continued, “I probably owe you a lot more than this, but the next time you want a sweet treat, come by the bakery and it’s on me.”

Pepper looked as though she never thought she’d see the day that Madelyn Chamberlain would apologize for being the awful brat she’d always been. Finally, she said, “Thanks, Maddie. I appreciate that.”

“Okay, good.” Maddie took a few steps back. She wasn’t certain that Pepper fully believed her, but it was a step in the right direction that she would have to follow up with action. That was what would convince people she’d really turned over a new leaf. “I, uh, also wanted to tell you that unless you’ve made other plans, I’d like to make your wedding cake. It’ll be my gift to you and Grant if that’s what you want.”

“Wow, really?” Pepper smiled at her authentically for the first time since elementary school. “We’d love that. Grant and I haven’t gotten very far on wedding plans with the reconstruction of the house, but I’m sure he’ll be thrilled. He really loves your cakes, Maddie.”

Maddie beamed, and for once, it wasn’t just because of the compliment. “Great. I’ll make you anything you want, just call me and I’ll set up a tasting.”

A roar in the distance grew louder, and Maddie turned in time to see her brother’s Harley round the square. He rolled to a stop and flipped up his visor. “Howdy, Sis.”

Maddie waved as Pepper climbed onto the back of the motorcycle and slipped on her helmet.

“See you around, Maddie,” Pepper said before closing her visor.

Maddie felt a pang of jealousy as Pepper wrapped her arms around Grant’s waist and they roared down the street together. She wished she could wrap her arms around Emmett right now, but she knew she couldn’t. He was at work and in a few hours she needed to get to bed. Four a.m. may be an hour later, but it was still damn early. How exactly had a baker and a bartender gotten together in the first place? It was an exercise in futility just making their schedules align.

She turned to head back into the shop, pausing when she saw her grandmother’s Cadillac drive down First Avenue. That was odd. Her grandmother rarely came into town unless she had some kind of pressing business. Perhaps loaning her car to Maddie for the past week had caused her errands to stack up. The Mercedes had come back from the shop as good as new, so Maddie had recently returned the Cadillac.

Keeping close to the edge of the shop, she peeked around the corner and watched the red Cadillac turn onto Daisy Drive and slow near her house. She had to know that Maddie was at work, right? Maddie walked down the block toward the Pizza Palace to see if her grandmother had parked in her driveway. To her surprise, the Cadillac was stopped on the other side of the street by Woody’s. She watched as her grandmother got out of the car and then slipped into the side door that led to Emmett’s apartment like she’d been there a dozen times.

She felt her stomach start to ache. Why on earth would her grandmother—who rarely went into town to begin with—come into town just to visit Emmett? How did she even know who Emmett was, much less how to get to his apartment without even pausing to look around? Her grandmother prided herself on knowing nearly everyone in town, but she wasn’t exactly known for frequenting the local bars.

Confused, Maddie turned and headed back toward the shop. There weren’t many options to explain what she’d just seen. She’d tried to forget about seeing her grandmother’s number come up on Emmett’s phone, but she knew now it was no coincidence.

Emmett had never even mentioned her grandmother before. He hadn’t made any noises about meeting her family or wanting anything to do with them. Lydia had insisted that he was using her to make business contacts, but if that were true, he wasn’t trying very hard.

And yet, he seemed to have succeeded. Was it possible that Maddie was getting played and she didn’t even know it?

Chapter Fifteen

Logan stepped out of the house, walking to the street to check his mailbox. He grabbed a handful of bills and junk advertisements and was heading back up to his porch when he heard someone call his name.

Turning, he saw Grant coming toward him with his hound dog on a leash. Busted.

“Pepper says you haven’t returned any of her texts,” Grant said, just leaping right in and skipping the pleasantries.

He hadn’t. When put on the spot, he’d agreed to get together with them for dinner, but he’d done everything he could to avoid it, including just not responding to her. “I’ve been busy with clients,” he said. “You heard about Clark Newton, I presume.”

Grant nodded. Of course he’d heard. His sister had apprehended him, and his brother had arrested him. “She’s hurt, Logan. I know you’re not happy about any of this, and you’re resistant to accepting how things are, but don’t hurt her in the process. She’s never done anything but be a good sister to you.”

“I know that,” Logan said with a touch of irritation. “I’m not avoiding my sister.”