Blake stumbled over the unanticipated road block. “I uh, I think I might have the wrong number.”


He stopped, a moment from disconnecting the call. “Yes,” he replied warily. “I was calling to speak to Ivy, please. Who’s this?”

“This is her friend Malcolm. Ivy is away from her phone right now. She’s actually in rehearsals for a talk show she’s taping in a couple of hours.”

Malcolm. Her “friend.” Just the sound of his name made Blake’s stomach start to ache with dread. He had ruined it. He’d driven her back into the arms of her ex with his stupidity.

“Do you want me to have her call you?”

“I don’t know. If you two are . . . uh . . . together, there isn’t much point.”

“Together?” Malcolm said with a hearty chuckle. “Did Ivy not tell you . . . ?” His voice trailed off. “Well, I guess she wouldn’t.”

The loud voice of the airport public announcement system cut into the conversation.

“Wait, Blake . . . are you in the airport?”


“Which one?” Malcolm pressed.

“LAX,” he admitted with a sigh. What did it matter? He was about to try to get on a flight back home.

“This is going to be awesome!” Malcolm announced.

It didn’t seem awesome. “I think I’m missing something here. You two aren’t back together?”

“No,” Malcolm said. “Ivy isn’t exactly my type. I’m more into tall, dark, and handsome, if you catch my drift.”

“Ohhh,” Blake replied as his response fully sank in. “I didn’t realize that.”

Malcolm chuckled. “Good! It’s kind of a secret, but I’m letting you in on it since you’re practically part of the family now.”

Had he not spoken with Ivy about what happened in Rosewood? The drama? The naked woman? “I highly doubt that.”

“Then why are you in LA, Blake?”

“I’m here to get her back.”

Malcolm laughed low, the sound almost ominous over the phone. “I’ve got the perfect idea. You need to come to the studio in Burbank and surprise her on the show.”

“What?” That sounded like an incredibly bad idea, especially considering the event that broke them up. He was nervous enough about going to see her. Worried that she wouldn’t listen to what he had to say. He certainly didn’t relish the idea of it happening in front of a live studio audience. “I don’t think I want to be slapped on national television.”

Malcolm sighed. “She’s not going to slap you. Trust me on this—she loves you. She’s hurt, but she wants to believe she’s wrong about what she saw. Was she wrong about what she saw?”

“One hundred percent. The only reason I laid a finger on Lydia was to push her away. I don’t want anything to do with her.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear. This is going to end well, I promise. Get a taxi to the Warner Brothers Studio in Burbank. I’ll get you on the list with security. Come to stage fifteen and call me on my cell phone.” Malcolm recited his number and Blake copied it down. “I’ll meet you outside.”

“So I’m just supposed to walk out onstage and surprise her? Tell her I love her?”

“Something like that. I’ve got to talk to the stage manager and get everything cleared with the crew so it’s only a surprise for Ivy. I’m sure they’ll be excited.”

“Malcolm . . .” Blake’s voice wavered with concern. “I need to ask you something.”

Malcolm hesitated before he answered. “Yes?”