“Ugh,” she groaned, putting it back on the rack. “This may be impossible. Eighties fashion was just . . . wrong.”

“It was fun,” Pepper corrected. “You’ve got to get into the spirit of it. Big hair, loud clothes, fun colors, chunky accessories . . .”

“Spirit,” Ivy muttered under her breath, continuing to search through dress after dress. She was the “prom queen” for the night. She would be in a million pictures, and plenty of those would end up on social media sites. Theme or no theme, she didn’t want shots circulating of her in a dress better suited for a hoedown.

“So, are you going to tell me what happened at the fair?” Pepper said at last.

Ivy was surprised it had taken her that long to ask. They’d had a fairly long drive in the car from Rosewood. Instead of discussing last night, they’d chatted about giving Ivy true eighties-style hair, which frightened her immensely. Her locks had never been teased before, much less hit with an entire can of Aqua Net.

“What do you mean?”

Pepper crossed her arms over her chest with a sour look on her face. “I saw you two get off the Ferris wheel. You can’t lie to me. Something happened up there. Now spill.”

Ivy sighed and returned her attention to the rack. “We kissed at the top. No big deal.”

Pepper nodded thoughtfully. “So you kissed and then he asked you to prom.”

“Wait a minute,” Ivy frowned. “Where did you hear that?”

“From your mama,” Pepper replied.

“And how does she know? I didn’t tell anyone about that.”

Pepper sighed. “We work in the beauty salon, Ivy. Your mama and I know everything. From what I gather, your mama heard it from Miss Vera, who heard it from Miss Francine. Apparently, Blake went into Petal Pushers first thing this morning and ordered you a corsage.”

Ivy’s eyes grew wider at every link in the gossip chain. Well, that was just great. Who needed the press sniffing out news when the Rosewood seniors had it under control? “A corsage, really?”

“Yes,” Pepper said. “A wrist corsage with white roses, baby’s breath, and pink ribbon.”

Ivy’s mouth fell open. “That’s the exact same corsage he gave me for his senior prom.” How had he even remembered that? It had been more than eight years ago.

Pepper watched her reaction curiously. “Interesting. So he not only asked you to prom, but he ordered you the same corsage. Sounds like a big deal.”

“It is not a big deal,” Ivy said a touch too quickly. “He was pretty much my date anyway, us being king and queen and all.”

“Yeah, but he didn’t have to ask you. You could’ve just done your job and gone home. Add the corsage. With the kiss. Girl, there’s something happening there.”

Ivy turned her attention back to the rack. She snatched out a short dress in dark green and held it up. “You need to wear this one,” Ivy said, hoping to change the subject. “It would look good with your red hair.”

Pepper inspected it with a shrug, letting the uncomfortable conversation drop. For now. “What about the huge bows? It has one on each shoulder and one very unfortunately placed near the crotch.”

“Your crotch is not that low.” Ivy passed the dress over to the other side of the rack. “I had issues with bows on the butt. This one is fine. Wear that.”

Pepper threw the dress over her arm and went back to digging. “What about you, though? We need to find something worthy of the prom queen.”

“You know, I may have to call my stylist in LA. He can overnight a gown to me. In West Hollywood, Enrique can probably find the perfect mix of style and tacky that will look good on me. He knows better than I do.”

“Oh my God!” Pepper exclaimed. “I. Have. Found. It!”

Ivy looked up to see what Pepper had uncovered this time. The strapless dress was made out of a metallic blue lame´ that shifted between bright blue, midnight blue, and black in the light. It was gathered around the waist with a giant lame´ rose at the left hip. It flowed down into two asymmetrical ruffled tiers that were edged in black lace. If that dress was in her size, it was so hers.

“It’s a six!” Pepper declared proudly. “Go try it on.”

Ivy took the dress and gave it a closer inspection. “Okay, but you’ve got to try on that green one.”

They slipped into the dressing rooms and attempted to change in the too-small makeshift space of the thrift store. “Are you ready?” Pepper asked.

“Yes. We come out on three.”