“Alicia? Well, yes, she was, actually. She was very small, with hair as blond as those paintings you see of angels and the bluest eyes you could imagine. But enough about Alicia. The poor girl died years ago. A tragedy, really, but she’s nothing to do with you, Jessie.”

“Did she help James with Candlethorpe?”

“If you mean did she help him train horses and muck out stalls, no, she wouldn’t have considered such a thing.”

“She just sat in the drawing room and served tea? She didn’t race or ride?”

The Duchess smiled at the acrimony in Jessie’s voice. “Forget her. Now, let’s go see if your new husband is ready to leave.”

The Bishop of York eyed Jessie as if she were an exotic bird from another world in her glorious gold riding outfit. She wondered if after all the champagne he’d consumed he even recognized her as the bride. “I suppose,” he said, his voice even more resonant, “that a gold riding ensemble is very American. Did her ladyship approve of this unexpected spectacle?”

“I did,” the Duchess said, and quickly took Jessie’s hand and pulled her away.

Jessie said her good-byes to all the guests, then turned and looked at the Duchess. “You’ve been very kind to me. I don’t deserve it, but you were kind nonetheless. May I come to see Charles and Anthony?”

“You may visit anytime you wish,” the earl said, coming up to take Jessie in his arms. He hugged her, then said, “Those damned martinets are all waiting to wish

you and James well.”

“Yes, come along, Jessie,” James said, and took her gloved hand. He led her from the great massive doors of Chase Park, down the well-worn stone steps to where the four martinets stood, huge smiles plastered on their faces.

Badger handed James a huge covered basket. “I’ve packed you some lamb cutlets and cucumbers, a bit of apple pudding, and one of James’s favorites, boiled knuckle of veal. You’ll get thirsty on your ride, so there’s also some of the earl’s champagne. It’s very cold, so drink it soon.”

“Here’s a packet of cream for you, Jessie,” Maggie said. “Don’t forget now, you can’t wear it on your face to bed anymore. It would make your husband laugh or cry, depending on his whim at the time.”

“I would like to present you with a pair of earrings, Jessie,” Sampson said. “My Maggie assures me that they’ll look exquisite in your little white ears.”

“Goodness, Sampson, they’re sapphires.”

“Yes, my Maggie tried them on to ensure that they would be becoming to you. Yes, hold them up and let’s judge this. What do you think, Mr. Badger?”

“I don’t think,” Badger said slowly, studying them carefully, “that they flatter the gold. They are too bold a color and fight with that particular shade. Yes, just as I would never serve sweet potatoes with blueberries, you should never wear the sapphires with this gold.”

“I think the colors complement each other well enough,” Spears said, gently edging Badger aside to eye them himself. “But I agree, Mr. Badger, that sweet potatoes wouldn’t at all enhance themselves served alongside blueberries.”

“Well,” Maggie said, “I can’t keep them since dear Sampson already gave them to you. What do you think, James?”

“I like her ears naked,” James said.

Badger looked like a cook whose cake had just collapsed in the middle.

Spears looked like a disapproving judge.

Sampson looked at his wife’s ears and grinned shamelessly.

Maggie just patted Jessie’s hand and told her to do as she wished with them. “You trust James to select the outfits that will complement them best.”

Spears still looked stern, his face set in austere lines, and Jessie realized he was looking at James. He was all garbed in black.

“Thank you, Spears,” she said.

“You will take good care of James,” he said, and she nearly laughed at that thought. “Yes, I will try to.”

“You will see that he stays on his course.”

“What course, Spears?” James said, hefting the basket of food from his left hand to his right. “These damned cutlets weigh as much as the new saddle I bought for Jessie.”

“What new saddle?”