I shout up the stairs, “James, come down to bring Marshall up.”

Lifting Lily up into a threshold carry, I take her up the stairs and out of the store to the waiting SUV.

Pulling the door closed on us, I wait as Simon comes up to the window. “What should we do with them all?”

“I want all survivors brought to the warehouse. Have men there to set it up for us.”

“Yes, sir.”

Thaddeus climbs into the front seat and looks back. “Andrew has requested to be the one to deal with Bart.”

Thinking for a moment, I frown. Bart should truly be punished by me. But as I said, Andrew doesn’t take kindly to traitors.

“That’s fine, let’s move.”

I can’t let her away from me again. Not any time soon. My arm is wrapped around Lily’s shoulders as I lead her into the warehouse. First through the front office, then through the workshop. Finally, we come to the backroom.

“What are we doing, Lucifer?” she asks quietly as she sees all our captives standing in a lineup with my men surrounding them.

“Point out each man that touched you, Lily,” I say as I hold her firmly next to me.

“Wha… Why?”

“They can’t touch you and get away with it. No one can.”

She doesn’t stop looking up into my eyes for a long time. Hers are so deep and so vulnerable right now that it makes me even more angry that someone has put her in such a position.

Slowly, she looks from me to each man. Ten are standing there. Pointing to five of them she says, “That’s them…. But Bart… he’s not here.”

I explain, “Andrew is taking care of him.”

“Oh, okay.”

Nodding to James, I say, “You saw which ones, take the rest outside and shoot the fucks. Leave the old fuckhead.”

Lily gasps beside me. “But…”

“This is war Lily; it was them or us.”

Pulling away from her, I walk over to the four men who dared touch my wife. “Every single male member of your family in America will be dead before the week is out. Every woman will be sold into slavery in Africa. Your children will be sent to their deaths. I promise you your families in Japan will die soon as well. Your bloodlines are going to be erased from the planet. Fuck shaming them, I will erase you all.”

Pulling my pistol out from my holster, I motion for my men to get to work. It’s a quick affair as the four men die instantly from multiple bullet wounds.

Behind me I hear Lily gasp. “Lucifer!”

Turning to her, I shake my head. “They will learn to fear my name even in Japan now.”

I point to Marshall who is pulled over to a wooden chair that once had a wicker seat attached to it. Now it’s only a frame of a chair, just enough left to keep his fat ass from falling through it. “Strip him and strap him down.”

Removing my coat, I walk over to a small table. Pulling off my holster, I set it and the coat down. The pistol right on top of it.

Turning back to my men as they finish up, I say, “Leave us.”

Lily watches in shocked silence as everyone leaves the room except for her, Marshall and I.

Smiling at her, I walk over to kiss her brow. “It’s almost over my dear, Lily. He is the last one to die now.”

Grabbing the long length of metal chain from the table, I grin at Marshall. He is gagged and screaming violently into the cloth but I can’t make out his words. No matter. “It’s time for pain, Marshall.”

Swinging the chain, I swing it up, under the seat where it connects with the exposed dangling parts of his small anatomy. Fucker has some big balls for such a tiny little prick.

The scream is audible through the gag, though, unlike earlier. I must have hit a testicle on that one.

Laughing, I say, “I haven’t done this before. I wasn’t sure I’d have the aim down…”

I swing again and feel a solid connection to his body. I don’t think I hit the right spot though.

I do it twice more before I say, “I heard what you said in the room to her, Marshall. I heard about your plans of selling her into slavery. I heard your plans to sell my unborn child. I heard it all.”

Dropping the chain, I head back to the table. Pulling a blowtorch down I start to strike it up. I want to melt something badly right now.

“You said you would sell her, Marshall, as if she was yours to do with as you liked. She’s mine!”

Walking over to him, I position myself behind his chair and aim the torch at his fingers.

The smell is enough to make me heave, but his screams help settle my stomach.



Four unarmed men were just gunned down in front of me and no one batted an eye. Not a single one of Lucifer’s men seemed to blink. It was all carried out so efficiently, so quickly, like they’ve done this numerous times before…