Lucifer told Adam that he and I have an agreement, and we most certainly do not. He gave me no choice in any of this, and the fact that he’s going to pretend that he did just makes me seething mad.

I want to tell him off but I have to restrain myself in front of the children.

Dinner is tedious, and the only bright spot is Evelyn’s gabbing. I keep expecting her to ask about her daddy but she hasn’t. I suppose it’s a testament to how truly awful of a father Marshall is.

The food is bland and tasteless. It’s not the cook’s fault, this meal of lamb and risotto is worthy of any five-star restaurant, it’s just that I have no desire to eat. I’m too stressed out to taste anything.

Throughout the meal, I focus my attention on Adam and Evelyn, trying to ignore Lucifer like he’s some dark shadow at the head of the table of little importance.

But each time I turn my face to speak with Evelyn, I catch a glimpse of him out of the corner of my eye and my attention is instantly drawn to him.

The way he stares at me openly with eyes full of hunger has a way of making me feel completely naked.

I hate it, I swear, but my body betrays me. Throughout dinner I’m shifting in my seat and crossing my legs, willing the ache building up inside of me to go away.

I’m attracted to him, there’s no point in denying it. How could I not be? He’s ethereally beautiful yet strong and masculine.

And the fact that he desires me? It does things to me. Things that make me feel wicked and dirty. Things that make me feel like an awful mother and a wanton woman.

It doesn’t seem to matter how much I psychologically can’t stand him; I’m physically drawn to him. Somehow, I’m weak to him, and it terrifies me.

He made me change for dinner. He downright sneered at my sweatpants. I was half tempted to defy him and see what he would do about it.

But then I thought it would be more satisfying to best him at his own game.

At this moment, I’m seriously regretting that decision.

The children are finished with dinner so we all rise so I can go through the motions of getting them ready for bed.

I feel Lucifer’s eyes all over my body as I walk over to Evelyn to take her by the hand. He comes up behind me and all the little hairs on the back of my neck stand on end

I stiffen as his hand goes to the small of my back.

Before dinner, I slipped on the sexiest thing I own. A black little strappy dress I bought last year for my six-year anniversary. I never got to wear the dress because Marshall never came home so it just hung in my closet, sad and unused. Paired with a set of sexy black heels and a little bit of makeup, I look like a completely different woman.

Lucifer leans close, brushing my hair away from my ear. His breath is warm and I have to fight the shiver that’s shooting down my neck. “I’ll be in our room. We can have our talk once you’re done putting the children to bed.”

He leans back and looks into my eyes, checking for my compliance. Right now, right here, the full strength of his gaze is too intense.

I look away, focusing on Adam. He’s watching us with curiosity, a little wrinkle between his brows and a frown on his lips.

“The children need to be bathed. It may be some time…”

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Lucifer nod. “I’ll be waiting. Take as long as you need.”

He presses a kiss against the top of my head and steps back.

I really wish he wouldn’t do that! I really wish he wouldn’t treat me with such familiarity, such affection, especially in front of the children.

“Good night, Evelyn. Sweet dreams,” Lucifer says.

“Good night,” Evelyn chirps cheerfully. “Sweet dreams!”

“Good night, Adam,” Lucifer nods at Adam.

Adam stares at him for a long moment before nodding back. “Good night.”

Leading Evelyn by the hand, we walk past Lucifer and begin to ascend the stairs. Suddenly Evelyn twists in my hand and calls out, “Oh, I forgot! Don’t’ let the bedbugs bite!”

Lucifer laughs.

* * *

Adam is of an age now where he prefers to take showers. He’s cleaned, brushed, dressed and ready for bed within minutes. Evelyn, on the other hand, still needs a bath. She loves bubbles and to play, so it’s almost an hour before I have her dry, brushed and tucked into her new bed.

Sometimes Evelyn needs me to stay with her while she falls asleep, and tonight I’m pretty much counting on it. After all, we’re in a new house, in a new bed. She’s bound to be a little frightened.