The way she says the word him shows the revulsion she must truly be feeling for her late husband. Well, I shouldn’t be thinking of him as late just yet…

“No, you and our children will be coming home with me in the morning. There is no sense in disrupting their sleep tonight. Tomorrow will be soon enough to start their new lives.”

Her eyes widen at me as she says quietly, “You are serious, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Lilith, I am.”

Slipping my fingers up into my tie, I quickly unknot the dark silver silk. Pulling it out, I set it on the dresser near the bed. Motioning for Lilith to come to me, I say, “Come. Help me get ready for bed.”

She slowly comes around the bed. Her legs must feel like lead to her. Dreading what she must think will happen.

She could not be more wrong. I don’t take women against their will, no, quite the opposite. I will have her begging me before I take her the way she desires deep down inside.

Stepping to my side, she looks up at me. Her eyes are so green, so wounded and scared. I know she must have an inner strength to be able to make it this far.

This is good, my woman will need to have a will of pure steel. She will only yield to me, only break to my desire.

Taking her hands in mine, I lift them up to the buttons of the collar on my stiff white dress shirt. “Start here.”

She works the buttons down slowly, each one her fingers trying to undo but always faltering.

I know if she would only look at her work she would find the task much easier, but she can’t. Our eyes are locked together. Her green emeralds so full of question, fear and resolve.

Shaking her head as the last button comes undone, she tugs the shirt out of my waistband. Pulling it off my shoulders, she runs her hands down from my clavicles to my pecs then slowly, and perhaps just a tad bit longer than she meant to, across my abs.

She drops to her knees as she assists me in removing first one dress shoe then the second, taking the socks with them. She pushes the shoes to the side of the bed.

Standing back up, her face is emotionless as her fingers dig at my belt buckle. Unfastening it, she starts to pull the band out to unfasten the button when I put my hands on hers.

“Get in bed, Lilith.”

“What? Why?”

“I have no desire to do anything beyond sleep tonight.”

Pushing her back against the bed, I watch as she gratefully slides herself backward, to her side of it.

I finish what she started and undo my pants, sliding them down my legs. Stepping out, I fold them neatly and put them with my shirt on the chair near the bed.

Standing there, I allow her to see her effect on me. Her eyes go wide. I turn away with a grin on my face.

Turning off the lights in the room, I come back to the bed. Slowly sliding myself between the sheets and blanket, I settle myself as close to her as I am able.

Turning on my side, I pull her close to me, her deliciously muscled ass against my cock.

“Good night, Lilith.”


This is madness. I’m still struggling to wrap my mind around what just happened.

I first fell asleep with my husband, Marshall, in our bed, and now I’m in the very same bed with a stranger.

Lucifer’s arm tightens around my waist and he pulls me into him. He’s so warm, his body so inviting, it’s a struggle not to relax against him.

Behind me, he’s calm and silent.

In the dark I can’t see him, but I can certainly feel every inch of him.

I’m painfully aware of the strong muscles curved around my body in a way that almost feels protective.

He’s shirtless, and where his skin touches my skin it feels too good. My body likes touching him.

I shouldn’t like this. I shouldn’t let him trick me into dropping my defenses.

To this man holding me, I am his possession. An object he owns. Something he believes he can control, someone he believes he can bend.

But I’m only going along with this for the moment. Until I can figure out a way to get my children and myself safely out of this situation.

I’ll endure anything, I’ll pretend to be anything to protect them. Even if it means giving the illusion of submission.

Getting away will probably be an easier feat in the light of day. There will be more opportunities for help. More chances to make a break for it. If the children don’t attend school, it will be noticed. My friends and family will become suspicious if they don’t hear from me. We will be missed. There’s a way out of this, I just have to be patient.