Page 66 of Buying Beth

Yep, this is going to get messy.

Pulling the gag from the man’s mouth, he screams just as loud as can be expected. I really wish one of these assholes would change things up for once.

Just one fucking time.

My ears are tired of the screams by the second deep breath he takes. Grabbing him by the throat, I just squeeze my hand.

Squeezing till his stupid fucking face turns purple.

“Stop fucking screaming, asshole,” I growl.

“Thank you, Johnathan. I’ll take over from here,” Simon says smoothly as he walks up to the doctor.

My hands still on the fucker’s neck. I loosen my grip only enough for him to speak.

“What the fuck do you want?” the doctor yells.

“Now, now, Doctor Mirov, that’s no way to start off our morning together.” Simon sits down across from the man and folds his arms across his chest.

Taking a moment to gather up his courage, the doctor launches a massive ball of spit at Simon’s chest. The sound of it splatting there makes me want to laugh so badly, but even I know not to fuck Simon when he’s wearing scrubs.

Jumping up from his chair, Simon hisses, “You stupid little man, you’ll pay for that, I promise you.”

“Gentlemen,” Lucifer’s voice comes from behind us and I grit my teeth.

Yay, the gang’s all here.

Color me fucking purple with unending happiness.

I just want to go home and get in bed with my wife. Now, I’m going to need a very long cold shower to get the dirtiness off me.

Perching on the corner of a desk, Lucifer gives the doctor a feral grin. “You really shouldn’t anger Simon like that.”

Shaking my head, I can’t hold it in. The chuckle I have in me forces itself out of my chest and even Andrew has to look away.

Someone spitting on the germaphobe, Simon, is just too priceless. I only wish I had recorded it.

“Can someone tell me why I had a medical transport for a mystery man this early morning?” Lucifer asks, and as soon as the words leave his mouth, Mirov noticeably goes stiff.

“Found some guy hooked up to all kinds of life support. Whoever the fuck he is, Doctor Mirov here was making damn sure he stayed alive.”

“Is he still? Alive, that is?”

All of us noticed how Mirov reacted to the question of the man.

When Andrew shrugs, Mirov pales.

“Don’t know. I did my best, but…” Lifting his hand, Andrew tips it to one side then the other. “We’ll see.”

“You must…” Mirov starts before he thinks better of it.

“Now, now, Doctor Mirov, don’t be shy with us. I won’t be with you,” Simon coos at him.

And now I have the creepy crawlies going down my spine.

Leaning down to the man’s ear, I whisper, “Now’s the time to talk, asshole. Spill it all out for us so you can save yourself some pain.”

“Fuck you! I say nothing!” he spits again, this time at Lucifer.

“Wrong answer.” My fist connects with the side of his face with as much force as I can put behind it. His head whips to the side then slowly turns back to Simon.

“You need an introduction, I see,” Andrew says. He points to himself then me, “We’re not too well known, Johnathan and Andrew. The first one you spit on is Simon…”

Pointing to a bored looking Lucifer, he says, “And the big guy right there? You know his name very well. Every single person in this city knows his name—Lucifer.”

Wide eyes and a look of pending doom? Check.

Distinct smell of piss and a large wet spot on his pajama pants? Check.

“What is it you want?” Our favorite little shitstain now asks as he stares at the faces surrounding him.

“Tell us who was on the medical table in your basement.”

“I… I can’t.”

“Wrong. You can and will. Hold his hand still, Johnathan,” Simon says.

Nodding my head, I watch as Simon pulls a pair of pruning snips from his bag. A loud snip and a blood-curdling scream later, and the man has tears streaming down his cheeks.

I don’t think the doctor thought we would go through with it.

“There will be no warnings, Doctor Mirov. Each time you fail to answer a question, we will remove a part of your body.”

Maybe in my old days, I’d feel sympathy for the stupid bastard, but I just don’t have it in me now. He touched my girl. He scared the woman I call my own. He has to pay for that.

Nodding my head to Andrew, I motion for him to come hold the thrashing man for me.

Walking over to Lucifer, I take a seat next to him on the desk and say, “I get the death blow, Boss.”

Looking sideways at me, Lucifer says, “I do believe he spit on Simon. You know how touchy he is about that.”

I shrug my shoulders. “Yeah, well, he touched my wife. I get the kill for that. Rules is rules.”