Page 35 of Buying Beth

I’m not sure what just happened in the car but I’m grateful to escape it.

Before Johnathan can stop me, I step up to the back door and yank it open too.

Reaching in, I immediately pull the black silk bag off the kid and reveal a head full of brown hair.

“Hey,” I say softly, and force a smile I’m so not feeling right now for the frightened little boy looking up at me. “It’s okay. I promise I’m not going to hurt you.”

Despite my smile and reassurance, the little boy still shies away from me. His big blue eyes watch me warily as I reach in to undo his seatbelt.

Dammit, I knew they had children in there. I knew it. Yet, a part of me just really hoped I was wrong. If I had any faith left in humanity, this little boy’s haunted eyes would utterly destroy it.

“Stop fucking staring, asshole,” I hear Johnathan growl angrily and cast a quick glance over my shoulder.

He’s not talking to me, is he?

“Hey, sorry, man,” someone chuckles. I can’t see who it is because Johnathan is standing behind me now, blocking me with his huge body. “I didn’t realize there was a full moon out tonight. I couldn’t stop looking.”

“Keep looking at her like that and I’ll tear your fucking eyes out of your goddamn skull.”

It takes me a moment to realize they’re talking about me. My cheeks ignite with heat as I realize that my ass is out for the whole world to see. Reaching behind myself, I grab the thin gown as best as I can but keep my other hand out for the little boy to take.

“Here, take my hand, please,” I plead to the boy.

He shakes his head and begins to scoot away from me.

I swallow down my sigh and keep the smile plastered on my lips. “I only want to help you. I was… sold too.”

The little boy stops scooting away from me, and I can tell he really wants to trust me, but he’s afraid.

Dropping my voice to a whisper, I lean further into the car to tell him, “I’m scared too.”

The boy looks at me for a long moment and then he asks, “You are?”

I nod my head, and cast another quick glance over my shoulder at Johnathan. “Yes.”

The boy scoots a little closer to me. “Is he going to hurt us?”

“No,” I say and shake my head. I don’t know what’s going to happen, and I don’t know what kind of man Johnathan is, but, “I swear, I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

The little boy scoots a little closer and his voice cracks as he asks, “You promise?”

“Come on, we gotta go, Beth,” Johnathan says impatiently.

My smile grows a little wider as the little boy scoots even closer and reaches out for my hand. “Cross my heart.”

Once the little boy places his hand in mine, I use it to pull him out of the car, and then wrap my arms around him. His little arms wrap around my waist and he clings to me like I’m his bastion of protection.

“Come on,” Johnathan says, and jerks his chin towards the parking lot. “We gotta change cars.”

I nod my head, and with the little boy clinging to my side, follow him across the dark parking lot.

There’s a moment of awkwardness when we reach the older blue Civic that’s been left running for us.

Johnathan pulls open the back door and scowls as soon as I slide into the backseat with the little boy still clinging to me. Our eyes meet and I can immediately tell he’s not pleased by my seating choice.

He looks like he’s about to argue with me, but I shake my head at him.

With a low, rumbling grumble, he slams the door shut and walks around the car. By the time he slides into the driver’s seat, I’ve got both the little boy and myself strapped into our seat belts.

“We’re on the move,” Johnathan says as we pull out of the parking lot and take a left.

“What’s your name?” I whisper softly, hugging the little boy close to me.

“Charlie,” he responds, his body relaxing against me.

“Well, Charlie, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Elizabeth, but all my friends call me Beth.”

There’s a few moments of silence and all the questions I want to ask Johnathan roll through my head.

Why did he buy me? How did he even find me? Just who the hell is he?

I thought he was just a gruff biker guy who owns a dive bar, yet with everything going on, it’s clear he’s more than that.

“It’s nice to meet you, Beth,” Charlie says so softly and politely I feel myself smiling in the darkness.

I hug him a little closer and he snuggles up against my chest.

“Did you get eyes on all of them?” Johnathan asks and my ears perk up.