Too bad his love came with a dangerous price.

At a glance:

Themes: Murder mystery, romantic suspense, whodunnit, unexpected love, erotic thriller

Notes: Standalone, Happily Ever After (HEA), sexy romance with lots of heat!


"You're home," she said.

"You're still here," he countered. He shouldn't have done it last night. And he was exhausted tonight.

But as his hand found the place between her thighs, he knew instinctively that he wasn't going to be talked out of doing what he wanted to do.

His fingers found her center as his lips found her throat. He kissed her. She made sounds that let him know exactly how much she appreciated the attention. So he gave her more of it, and made love to her, and pretended that there was a future there. That he wasn't a forty-year-old man fucking a college girl, and that she wouldn't wake up and realize what she'd done. Soon, if not tomorrow.

He just about managed it, in spite of himself. He fell asleep dreaming of the life he was going to have, of how he was going to do everything different this time. He was going to do everything better. Be a better lover, a better boyfriend, a better husband if she'd take him.

He dreamed about how he'd protect her, make sure that nothing happened to her, like it had with Cora. The visions were so vivid, so present in his mind that he almost started to believe them.

The screams brought him back to attention. His eyes shot open, his body tensed and started to move out of bed and toward the guest bedroom before he even knew what was happening. He stepped through the door, into the hall, and right into the waiting arms of someone wearing all black. Someone with a mask on.

Someone who brought their hand up, full of a syringe, and jabbed it hard into his neck. Then they pushed the plunger, and he felt the chemicals flowing into his veins. Spreading out like fire.

They pulled it out. He struggled to get loose. His body wasn't doing what he wanted it to. He needed to get to Jennifer. Someone else had her by her arms, and by her legs. But it was a dream. Because if it wasn't a dream, he'd be doing something about it.

But instead, in the dream, he slumped to his knees. Whoever had their arms around his shoulders let him down slow. His face pressed against the hardwood floors. They were dirty. He should have cleaned them.

But he didn't have to worry about that for long. After a couple more seconds, with someone very far away making quite a commotion, he lost track of where the floor was, precisely. He lost track of the mess that he'd seen on it. And then the wall next to the floor was gone. The floor was gone. He was gone. He waited to wake up in his bed. It didn't happen. He stopped thinking about it. It was hard to think. Easier to just let go.

Eventually, he hoped, he'd be able to see Jennifer again, and tell her he loved her. Maybe in the morning. When he woke up. But the dream kept going, floating in the dark, until he wasn't sure whether he was dreaming or not.

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“No panties?” I kept my voice low and soft.

“You like that, don’t you?”

It was my turn for my breath to catch in my throat, to sound ragged and needy and demanding. “Don’t tease me.”

She looked up at me and batted her eyelashes demurely. “No? Why not?”

When Dave Collins left, he left for good.

He left his parents, left the home he'd grown up in, and he left me... with a baby growing in my belly that I never even knew about until he was off at Basic, pretending he'd never come from a hick town in northern Michigan.

But now he's back, and he's as sexy as ever. I just have to remind myself that as soon as he's done here, he's gone again.

This time I'm not going to let it hurt so bad.

This is a sizzling standalone novel with a guaranteed happily ever after and NO CLIFFHANGERS!

Preview . . . . . . .

Even through a zipper and several layers of denim, folded up to make a nice, heavy-wearing garment I could feel her touching me, and I could feel the electric sensation of pressure driving me up a wall.

“You like that, don’t you?”