“I want you Daddy,” he let out and stretched forth her hand to him.

He walked over to her and held her chin up roughly before kissing her again; he directed the top of his dick to her entrance and rubbed it on her clit before sliding into her.

“Oooh! That feels so damn good,” she let out.

He, in turn, pulled out of her almost immediately and loved how she cringed and called out for it. This was a game he liked playing with her, teasing her and making her beg for it made him insanely hard.

“Fuck me Daddy! Please,” she called out and pleaded with him. A wicked grin formed on his lips as he moved closer to her and slid into her again but this time did not tease her. He held back her hair and kissed her passionately again before moving into her slowly and steadily. Her pussy made a wish wash kind of sound from the flowing juices that had come as a result of her horny.

“You are so wet my dear,” he pointed out as he kept on moving in her.

“Only for you, daddy.”

She answered with a sing song voice as she shut her eyes and enjoyed the much-coveted dick. Her hips moved to the rhythm as he went on to fuck her and played with her nipples.

“I am Cumming,” she announced as he kept moving in her.

“Hold it doll.”

The instruction was tormenting and he pulled out of her immediately before looking at her in the eye. She tried hiding her orgasm but the torture was too much, her hand immediately landed on her clit and she started playing with herself. Her waist cringed and the orgasm crippled her without warning. Her body shuddered in turn and she leaned into the amazing feeling that came with it.

“That’s a good girl,” he pointed out before taking her off the kitchen counter and making her lie on the kitchen floor. The cold marble bit into her skin but she didn’t mind. Morris made her lie on her side before sliding into her pussy from behind her. She instantly became wet again as he went on to thrust into her. Harder and faster this time as he too wanted to get to his climax. Morris was the only man she knew who did not come very fast every time they made love. He would always let her get to her climax before moving in for his own selfish goal.

His grip tightened around her waist and he pulled a fistful of her hair back as he went on to thrust into her and finally got to his climax. They lay in the same position for a little longer but eventually had to get on their feet because of the cold marble.

“You were great, as always,” Hannah let out before placing a kiss on his lips.

He kissed her back and ran his hand over her booty before spanking her playfully. They hugged each other and kissed some more before Morris broke free from her embrace.

“Your mother will be home anytime now,” he let out. “We need to get to bed.”

She nodded and picked up her clothes from the floor, this was the part she hated most. Being tight lipped about their secret was torturous but she knew she had to. They walked hand in hand to her room upstairs.

“Good night my dear,” he said and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

“Good night,” she answered and watched him walk to his own room. He had aged well over the years and his sex game was still on point, something that always impressed her.

The End

Midnight Intruder: Daddy Erotica

He looked out of his window and noticed the noise had died down from across the street. The cops must have gotten to the house after his call and killed the party, just as he wanted. He had a big day coming up and needed a good night’s rest. It was not so easy sleeping in a lonely bed; he hugged the pillow to his chest and caught the whiff of his wife’s scent. She had gone away on business for the weekend and he missed her so much. He snuggled underneath the covers trying to keep warm but a noise distracted him and caught him off guard. He sat up and listened to it again and could hear it coming from the kitchen.

“Are we being robbed?” he asked himself as he drew in a deep breath and threw back the covers. He got on his feet and walked over to the kitchen with calculated steps as he listened keenly for the disturbance. A giggle sounded through the air and he stilled his heart when he recognized it. He was just about to go back to bed but a second voice made him change his mind.

“Let’s go up to my room.”

“Are you sure?” came the reply.

He did not know who was creeping into his house with his stepdaughter, but was sure as hell going to find out.

“No, I am not,” she answered. “Why don’t we get it on from right here.”

His next instinct was to walk in on them and show them his wrath, but an evil voice advised him to keep his cool and see where it would all lead. He stood at the kitchens entrance but was well hidden in the shadows and looked at what his stepdaughter was up to. He watched as her male companion lifted her by her waist and placed her on the kitchen counter. He then went on to fish for her panties underneath the very short leather skirt she had on and kissed her perky lips.

Arnold did not know why he did not barge from the shadows, everything about his peeping Tom actions screamed inappropriate, but he still stood his ground. He watched as his hands squeezed his stepdaughter’s C- cup breast and loved how she moaned from his touch. He waited for the young man to thrust into her before walking out of his hiding place and switching on the lights.

“What the hell is going on in here?” he asked in a stern voice that rattled the tipsy horny couple.