Reunited with His Sister

Paul was from a huge family that had been formed through various marriages and divorces. He had been living abroad for more than twenty years since he never got along very well with his family, especially his father.

Therefore, right after his graduation, he started living by his own and made his own family. He came back home when the health of his father was declining. His siblings encouraged him to make peace with his father.

He agreed to travel back home and planned to find a job there since he was jobless for months after a painful divorce. His family decided to make a kind of family reunion so that Paul could meet his stepsister and stepbrother.

Just when he stepped in the house, Paul was completely stunned by Janet, his stepsister. He saw her for the last time when she was twelve years old and now she was an amazing MILF in her mid-thirties.

Janet had a petite figure with perk boobs and a tight ass begging to be fucked. She was completely trim and fit with a sweet face that came with inviting lips. Even after having four children, she kept her body in good shape.

He knew that she was his stepsister but he was unable to keep his eyes away from her even if he tried hard not to look. After the family reunion, he did not see Janet for a few months but they communicated regularly by email and on social media.

During their chatting, they realized that they had many interests in common. Even if Paul was now divorced, Janet was not happy in her marriage. They discussed their tough times and became friends actually. They were now trusting each other.

He met her again during her birthday. Janet’s best friend, Tanya, was dating Paul’s brother, Dan and they celebrated their birthday on the same date. Paul managed to find a job by now and a house a few hours from his family place. He was invited for the birthday.

“I want to see you there, you are invited,” said Janet over the phone.

“And do not even think about saying no because I won’t take it for an answer,” she warned him.

“Okay, I will be there,” he replied since he did not want to upset her.

He got in his car the following day and drove there. He promised himself to keep his eyes away from Janet’s body. He spent the rest of day there flirting with other women, including Tanya. He tried to keep his mind busy by getting to know Tim, Janet’s husband.

Paul knew that he was completely in lust with his stepsister. Therefore, he figured that if he started liking Tim, it would prevent him from doing something that would bring regret to the family. However, he failed.

The party was going well in the night with alcohol flowing freely. Before midnight, almost all the guests were drunk, except Paul and Janet. Somehow, the two siblings found themselves in the kitchen sipping coffee during the wee hours of the morning.

The party was still going on outside. By now, Paul could tell that the attraction was mutual. Janet was also attracted to him since they discussed subjects that were not appropriate between brothers and sisters. They talked about them without hesitation and without shame since they both knew the outcome of such conversations but they were not ready to cross that line yet.

That night, nothing serious happened between Paul and Janet. He returned to his place in the afternoon. A few days ago, he received another invitation from Janet to attend another party.

The event was the birthday of Janet’s close neighbor and a Christmas party mixed together. The name of her neighbor was Tricia and Janet told Paul that Dan and Tanya would also be there. She had shown him a picture of Tricia.

“She is dying to meet you,” told Janet to her stepbrother.

“And as you know, do not decline my invitation because I am always determined,” she pointed.

That day, Paul arrived early in the afternoon. The party was already going with the alcohol flowing. The whole evening, Paul had a drink with him but managed to stay sober.

Tricia welcomed him to her party but did not appear to care about his presence. Janet was not far and she was looking wonderful. Just like the other times, Paul was unable to keep his eyes away from his stepsister.

Janet was looking really hot and Paul hoped that no one would notice him staring at his stepsister with lust. He was wrong since he caught Janet and Tanya whispering while looking at him. He knew that they caught him staring even if he could hear their conversation.

It was one hour after midnight that Janet decided to leave the party.

“Okay guys, I have to leave now,” she told the other guests.

“I need to check on the kids before sleeping,” she added before leaving.

Paul waited for thirty minutes and excused also himself. He left the party and went to Janet’s place. She found his stepsister in the kitchen, sitting at the table. She was sipping a glass of wine and puffing a cigarette. Janet smiled when Paul stepped in.

“The coffee is still hot if you want some,” she told him.

“Thanks,” he replied as he took a cup and filled it with coffee.

He sat down next to her at the table and took also a cigarette. They started chatting as time went on. They talked about his divorce and latest break up his new girlfriend who dumped him for her former lover.

They talked also about Janet’s marriage and the lack of attraction between her and Tim. Janet was not ashamed to tell her stepbrother that she was miserable in her marriage.

“For nearly two years, I had not been intimate with him,” she said about her husband.

“I am like a dehydrated woman in a desert in need of water but in my case, I need sex,” she continued.

“But I cannot find anyone,” she revealed.

“Why?” he asked.

“Tim made it clear that if I cheat on him, he would take the kids from me,” she replied.

“I do not want to take that risk,” she added.

Two hours later, Tim, Dan, and Tanya returned to the house. Tim said somewhat under the influence of the alcohol and went to bed. Dan jumped on the sofa and immediately felt to sleep in the living room.

Tanya joined them in the kitchen and sat with them at the table. She joined in their talk. Janet and Tanya were close friends and used to tell everything to each other. This brought something new in their conversation. Paul really felt pity for his stepsister.

“Janet, I am really sorry that you are in such a miserable situation,” he told her.

“I understand that you care for your kids and do not want to lose them,” he continued.

“But if you need my help in whatever way, I am here,” he told her.

“I want you to be really happy because I love you,” he added with an impure agenda in his mind.

However, at his words, Janet’s face became bright and she blushed deeply.

“Come with me to the bathroom,” she said as she looked at Tanya


Before he realize it, Paul watched the two women leaving him alone at the table. They came back a few minutes later and they were grinning as if they shared a naughty secret.

“Paul, were you serious about what you said before?” asked Janet.

“Definitely,” he replied.

“Okay, what I am about to say must stay at this table,” she said.

“I can say it in front of Tanya since we do not have any secret between us,” she continued.

“And I trusted her blindly, do you get me?” she asked and Paul nodded slowly as he looked at Janet and wondered where she was going with it.