I’m twenty-three years old and fell in love with Tully cage at eleven and that feeling didn’t go anywhere while being away and if that kind of time doesn’t do anything to fade what’s in my heart, then nothing will.

I’m getting my fucking girl back if it’s the last thing I do.

Tonight isn’t the night though. I need to give her space to wrap her head around this and figure out what’s going on inside her. She’s always been so fiery. Noah calls Henley ‘Spitfire’ but I always thought the name was more appropriate for Tully, but the fucker stole that one and locked it up. Don’t get me wrong; the name definitely suits Henley as well.

I get up from the table and head across the room. There are a lot of people here who I haven’t seen in a very long time and catching up with them should be a good distraction from the drunken, emotional wreck across the room.

I start with Eddison and Violet, they’ve both been a massive part of my life since I was a kid. They took me in when they didn’t even realize they were doing it and I’ll be forever grateful for their hospitality.

I spend a good hour going from table to table, saying ‘hey’ to all the guys I used to hang out with at school. It’s funny how whenever you see someone from another time in your life, stories from the past are always brought up and laughed about, especially when everyone has had a few drinks and are slightly buzzed. Next up, the Broken Hill crew.

Before I know it, the emcee is calling everyone back to their seats and main meals are served. I let out a sigh of relief. At least now Tully will have some food in her stomach to soak up all that alcohol, though, that’s assuming she actually has an appetite and eats it. A lot could have changed in four years, but something tells me she’s still just as stubborn when it comes to looking out for herself.

Speeches are had and I even get myself up there, telling as many embarrassing stories about my best friend as I can think of on short notice. Though, it’s not hard. When you’re deployed and all alone with your unit, sometimes your stories are all you have.

The boys I was out there with know all about my pack. They know them just as close as I do just as I know their families and loved ones without having ever met them.

As I talk about my fond memories growing up with the kid addicted to ink, I can’t help but mention Tully over and over again as for a long time, it was just the three of us. As her name slips from between my lips, I look over at her, loving how her eyes are glued on me with a fond smile playing on her lips as she listens to what I have to say. It’s clear she’s fallen into the past, reliving those incredible moments right along with me.

I finish my speech and move my ass along. I could stand up here and talk for hours about Noah and Henley which I guess is a stark contrast from the dark, silent type that I used to be.

Desserts are served and then Noah and Henley are finally invited to the dancefloor for their first official dance as husband and wife. This usually isn’t my favorite part of weddings, I’m usually the one in Tully’s position; silently drinking in a dark corner, but this dance means one step closer to the bridal party being asked to join them.

I’m no dancer, but as Noah’s best man I have to dance with the maid of honor and I’ve never been so fucking thrilled to be able to put my hands on her.

Their first dance seems to go on forever, but when the emcee announces the rest of the bridal party to join them, I get up from my seat like a smug asshole.

There’s nothing better than seeing the scowl on Spencer’s face as he walks across to offer his hand to Henley’s friend from college and I place myself before his girl and offer her my hand.

Tully gets up, ignoring my hand while also avoiding looking at me. We walk out onto the dancefloor side by side and the fire burns within me as I place my hand at her lower back and she flinches from the touch. I ignore it as best as I can and hate how it fucking cut as I lead her around to stand before me.

She reluctantly places her hands around my neck and I curl mine around her, pulling her in close, but not being as much of a dick to crush her body against mine despite how badly I want to.