“Thanks,” Henley says with a grateful smile. “We’ll try not to be too long, but if you need to, start handing out glasses of champagne to keep everyone happy then do it.”

The two boys walk out, each of them giving me a quick nod before disappearing out the door. The second it closes behind them, I look to Violet before focusing my gaze on Henley. “I hope it’s alright that I came. I know I was invited but…”

“Tully,” Violet sighs.

“I’m not going to lie,” Henley says, giving me a warm smile. “It was definitely a shock seeing you standing at the door, but I’m happy you’re here. I wouldn’t have had it any other way. And you’re right; Tully is most likely going to be a mess today and I have no doubt that this is screwing with her head and is going to be hard on her, but she’s strong. She’ll make it through to the end of the night with a smile on her face, but don’t get me wrong, just because she’s smiling doesn’t mean things are ok. You hurt her, Rivers.”

I nod my head. Everything she just said are the thoughts that have worked their way through my head time and time again. “I promise, I’m going to make this ok.”

“I think you’re underestimating just how impossible that task is going to be.”

“Whatever it takes,” I tell her, letting her know just how damn serious I am.

“Ok, but don’t think you’re off the hook with me. You’re just lucky you caught me on a good day. I still plan on reigning down hell on you, but it’s going to have to wait until tomorrow because today I’m getting married and not even you can ruin it.”

“Are you sure? I’d happily stand here and let you give it everything you’ve got if it will make you feel better.”

Henley considers me a moment before shaking her head and smiling once again. “I’m really glad you’re back, Rivers, but now I have to go and check that my makeup is still in place. So no, no ass-kicking for you today, but you better come prepared tomorrow.”

With that, Henley heads off down towards Tully’s bedroom and I’m left with Violet asking every question under the sun about life in the military and checking up that I’ve been doing ok. It takes all of two seconds for her to pull me down onto the couch and dive into all the heavy stuff which has me cringing. I love Violet, but I look to her as a mother and there are some things a mother shouldn’t know about a son’s endless days in the military.

We’re hardly two minutes into the conversation when the front door flies open and my best friend comes storming in. “Where the hell is he?” he demands.

Noah’s eyes scan the room as I fly up off the couch and face him, standing tall and ready to accept any punishment he deems fit. He strides towards me with a firm set of his jaw, looking more intimidating than I’ve ever seen before. Either he’s perfected it over the past four years or he’s just grown into a man who’s had to face down things no man should ever have to face.

His hands ball into fists at his side and it’s clear that some things don’t change because one thing is for sure; Noah Cage is still run by his emotions.

A vision in white appears in the hallway and Noah’s eye flick her way as though he physically can’t help it and within the blink of an eye, everything changes.

Noah comes to a startling stop in the middle of the living room. His fists relax and he sucks in a long, deep breath, allowing the anger to fade as he takes in his bride for the very first time. “Fuck,” he murmurs as she walks slowly towards him, beaming up at him as though she’s never been happier.

Henley comes to a stop right in front of Noah. “Hi,” she whispers as her eyes roam all over his face.

Noah glides the back of his knuckles down her bare arm and goosebumps rise on her skin. “You’re beautiful,” he tells her, making her smile reach right up into her eyes until they’re glistening with love.

I can’t help but feel as though I’m intruding on this moment but I don’t dare move a muscle. Noah is a fucking bomb and despite the moment he’s having with his future wife, he could detonate in the blink of an eye.

Henley takes his hands in hers and raises her chin before gently brushing her lips over his and making violet sigh with joy. “Ok,” Violet says, stepping forward to physically break them apart. “Break it up. I’m not about to let you kiss the bride before the ceremony. You need to save it for later.”