Page 123 of Into the Darkness

“What does that even mean, for as long as we are together? How long do you expect us to keep up this charade without getting caught?”

I knew there were too many questions in that one sentence. But now they were the burning questions, the ones I had avoided with a passion. The ones I knew had no answer that would erase the ache in my heart. His silence was enough to aggravate me. Thankfully we were interrupted by Logan and Jen because I was ready to have it out then and there.

“Charlie, you gotta dance… IT’S PROM!”

I laughed at my best friend. “Jen, have you spiked Logan’s drink?”

“You know how crazy he is when it comes to music. Sorry, as his best friend I think you’ll have to take over soon. My feet are killing me.”

Jen was wearing killer heels and I didn’t blame her. I’d only been standing around and even my feet hurt. This is why converse were made and heels were for the Posh Spices of the world.

“Edwards, what are you doing here?” Logan asked while placing his arm around Jen.

“Long story. I’m sure Adriana will be more than happy to retell the story of Elijah’s sickly ways,” Alex answered light-heartedly. I had to admit it was kinda nice to see them getting along but that wouldn’t last. Logan would beat the living daylights out of him if he knew that something was going on between us.

The silence became awkward even in the midst of the loud music. If I thought that was uncomfortable, I hadn’t mentally prepared myself for the shitstorm that was Carter, walking my way. His arrogant smirk was enough to make you want to hurl and on top of that he had to be the biggest jerk in the world by putting his arm around me in front of Alex, like he was trying to stake his claim. I gave him my no-fucking-chance-in-hell glare but of course he just laughed it off as usual.

“Wow Charlie, could you surround yourself with any more losers?”

“Seriously Carter, grow up.”

“What, Edwards and Rodriguez can’t speak up for themselves?” By this point both Alex and Logan were glaring at Carter. The fuckwit was gonna get beaten any second now and although I would be more than happy to watch him take one, my dad’s voice rang in my head. I couldn’t afford to be grounded again. Alex was barely keeping it together. I made a mental note: he doesn’t like anyone else touching me. Okay yeah so making him jealous was kinda fun because there was no way he could even let on right now but I was with Carter and I would be the biggest douchebag that walked this planet if I tried to pretend I liked Carter’s attention.

“Back off, Reed, or it’ll be my fist surrounding you,” Logan threatened.

“Fuck you, Rodriguez. Welfare bums like you aren’t welcome here. Neither are medical dropouts requiring Daddy’s help,” Carter snickered as he walked off.

“Charlie, why the fuck did you agree to go with him?” Logan hissed. Jen placed her hand on his chest to calm him down.

“Because I was in shit with my dad for skipping school and missing geometry and I needed his notes. He may be the biggest douche but he aces geometry.”

“Next time I’ll lend you mine,” Logan offered.

“Did you not hear my story? He aces geometry. I don’t need help in flunking, I was managing that just fine by myself.” I rolled my eyes and Logan waved me off before swaying his body to the beat of the Jay-Z song that came on. Again I was left alone with Alex.

“You’re awfully quiet,” I mumbled.

“You’re stunningly beautiful tonight and I have to stand here and pretend you mean nothing to me and allow that lowlife to put his hands on you.”

“Alex, I’m sorry.” I ached to touch him, but there was no way.

“No, I’m sorry. For not trusting you with that jerk-off. Anyway, from what I’ve heard his dick is so tiny he couldn’t even get Kaley off.”

I laughed so loud. It was true and there was nothing I loved more than seeing Alex smile, even if it was about Carter’s tiny dick. “That’s the rumor. Even my dad’s heard it.”

“Wow, even Mr. Mason is in the know.”

“Sadly yes. I didn’t mean to be so cold back there but people are catching on. I don’t know why but Kaley made a snipe and of course I told her she was an idiot but she obviously got the impression somehow. I don’t know where this is going or what will happen in the future but I know that right now we cannot be caught.”

“We won’t, Charlotte. But tonight I need to get my hands on you somehow, just leave the brainstorming up to me.” He winked. I giggled like a lovesick fool at his suggestion. I had no idea how he would be able to make that happen but Alex always made things happen when you thought it was impossible.

It wasn’t long before Adriana returned. We danced to a few songs and enjoyed the typical prom fest. An hour or so later the ceremonies began. In true Carmel High fashion Carter was named prom king and Kaley was named prom queen. Of course she gloated, waving like a fucking diva. We all clapped giving her the moment she wanted. I didn’t really care because I had no feelings for Carter. They danced the traditional prom king and queen dance. It was all one big hilarious show. It couldn’t have been any more stereotypical. They only lasted a few minutes before Kaley stormed off annoyed with something Carter said. Walking over to me only moments later, I shuddered at the request I knew was coming.

“Dance with my date?” He held out his hand.

My eyes pleaded with Alex for him to understand why I agreed. Almost like he understood instantly, he stood there with a satisfied smile on his face. “One dance,” I said, “and don’t try to cop a feel!”

We danced for a bit before I started hearing gurgling sounds. I wasn’t hungry; I had become BFFs with the waiter who served the mini corn dogs. Strange, I thought. Again I heard the sound. It was quite loud. Carter had this uncomfortable look on his face. I turned to look at him but was distracted by Kaley’s interruption.