Julian mentions something about his publicist and gracefully excuses himself, promising to meet me back at the bar. I watch him walk away and assume the blonde latching onto him is his publicist. Letting out an annoyed huff, I move toward the bar.

It’s time to get some alcohol into me, especially if I’m here to entertain myself, or so I thought until an eccentric-looking man stands beside me. Judging by his gray ponytail slicked back and his tan, making Mickey Rourke look like an albino, I’d say he’s in his late sixties.

“G’day, darling. Whatcha got there?” He motions at my drink.

“Uh, some fancy champagne,” I answer, lifting my glass.

“I can tell by your accent you ain’t a local. Don’t drink that stiff stuff. Bartender!” He whistles to the man. “Mate, give this girl a Tooheys dry.”

The bartender grabs a glass and holds it under the tap. I see the foam filling the glass to the brim. On closer inspection, it looks very similar to beer.

The music is louder than I expected, forcing me to lean over and raise my voice. “I’m not really a beer drinker—”

The man roars in laughter. “Darlin’, that’s what they all say.”

Four beers later, I’m as drunk as a skunk. The stuff tastes like shit, but Barry’s hilarity entertains me. He’s a storyteller, and something tells me that him wrestling with a crocodile is his biggest claim to fame.

“So which fella are you here with?” he asks.

“No fella, well, it’s kinda complicated.” I let out an unexpected burp, covering my mouth in shame.

“I got a nephew about your age, lives on a farm up north. I think you two would hit it off,” he slurs.

“Aww, thanks, Barry, but I’m hoping this new guy is it. I mean, it’s crazy complicated, you know? He dated… no sorry, was engaged to my best friend. My brother hates him to the core. It’s insane, right?” I let out a hiccup, oblivious to my incessant rambling. “So why can’t I stop wanting him? He is so delicious and smart. God, did I just say all that? What the crap is in this Tooheys?”

“Nothing that makes ya heart lie, young lady.” He laughs.

I take another drink of the beer, unaware the warmth invading the space beside me is Julian. He stands almost touching my body, his aftershave close enough to inhale. I close my eyes for a moment, allowing the sensation to spread to areas in my body that lay dormant.

Holy shit, I can’t avoid this.

“Everything okay?” He looks between Barry and me.

“Awesome. Have you met Barry? Barry, this is Julian,” I introduce.

“Congratulations, mate. I read your book, and you, fella, are talented.” He raises his glass to toast.

Julian is humble, thanking Barry and briefly chatting about the book. Maybe it’s the four beers, or is that now five, which left me with the impression Julian doesn’t want me alone with Barry. He stands over me in an overprotective manner.

Fuck, that’s kind of hot.

Okay, it’s pep-talk time, Adriana.

First, stop reading books with alpha males because it’s fucking fiction. Except for my brother—he is alpha male to the extreme.

Gross, now you’re thinking about your brother?

Shut up, brain!

I can see Julian is trying his hardest to keep his hands away from the small of my back. You know—that jealous she’s-with-me gesture guys do. It isn’t my imagination. I bet my life on it.

And maybe another beer too.

Julian’s publicist walks over. I try not to listen to their private conversation, distracting myself with the view when I feel the palm of his hand on the small of my back.

Okay, brain, you won this one. Holy damn.

“I need to go do an interview. Will you be okay with Barry?”