I resist shaking my head. Not one of them, apart from Mr. Carver, thought to put work aside for Tully. Either they didn’t think of it or simply didn’t care to further her education while she was healing. It also doesn’t go unnoticed that none of them have bothered to check in and ask how she’s doing. Fucking bastards.

Without this work, Tully would have returned to school in a few weeks and been so incredibly behind that she’d have no chance in hell of catching up to her classmates and limit her options following high school.

It’s a shame really, how blatantly disinterested most of the teachers are regarding our education, but that’s what you get at Haven Falls. I guess it’s a little too much to ask for a teacher to actually do his or her job.

Lucky us.

Mr. Carver seems to be the only one at Haven Falls Private who seems to give a shit and thank God for that. Without him, I never would have had the balls to apply for the scholarship program at Broken Hill University. Without him, I never would have realized how badly I wanted it. He showed me a future that I thought was so far out of my grasp that I didn’t even bother looking into it. But I’m so damn glad that I did.

The thought of attending college next year is ridiculous but in a good way. I’ve been working my ass off to try and get my grades up and while I haven’t been doing great, I’ve definitely been doing better. I’d say I’ve made a small increase. I just have to keep it up and get through the next few months. History class though, that’s a different story.

I wait about ten minutes before watching as Mr. Carver walks from teacher to teacher, collecting all the work before going to the length of finding a bag for me to put it all in. He strides over, looking a little proud of himself before hauling the big bag into my arms. “Here you go,” he says. “I’m sure this should keep her busy.”

“I’m sure it will,” I laugh. “I can’t guarantee that she’ll actually do it but she’ll eventually get bored and cave.”

“I bet,” he chuckles. “How is she doing?”

I give him a tight smile. “Her arm isn’t doing too good. I think it’s still causing her quite a bit of pain, but everything else seems to be healing nicely. She’s happy to be home though.”

“I can only image,” he says. “Wish her the best for a speedy recovery and hopefully we’ll see her back soon.”

“Will do,” I tell him, getting comfortable with the heavy bag.

I start to walk away when I hear him calling out behind me. “Let me know if she gets through that and I’ll organize some extra credit.”

I give him a bright smile. “Thank you. She won’t appreciate it right away, but I promise, she will in about a week’s time.”

“My pleasure Henley.”

With that, Mr. Carver lets me go and I make my way out the door. I get about three steps out of the teacher’s lounge before I run into Jared Frazer who instantly takes the bag out of my hands and walks to my locker with me.

Usually, I’d put up a fight and give the whole ‘I’m not a damsel in distress’ speech, but to be honest, the bag was really heavy and I know deep down that Jared is a good kid. He’s not like the other douchebags here. Besides, I have a feeling he’s also doing it because that’s what Noah would have done had he been here and Noah would have hated on anyone who wouldn’t offer the same decency to his girl.

The past two weeks without Rivers have been a bit awful for Noah when it comes to school. He’s the King of Haven Falls and it doesn’t go unnoticed when things are changing. Nearly every guy in school has tried to worm their way into Noah’s life, hoping to replace the empty space Rivers has left wide open.

They want to be a part of our pack. They want what Rivers had and a lot of them will stop at nothing to get it. I’ve had guys everywhere trying to get close to me, paying me compliments and being friendly, trying to show Noah that they have respect for his girl, but he sees right through it and absolutely hates it. They should know by now that no matter what the circumstances, Rivers is irreplaceable.

Besides, we live by our motto; no one in, no one out. Rivers knows that more than anyone and that fact alone has me believing that he’ll be back.

I can’t wait to see Tully’s reaction when she gets back here. I’m sure she’ll have a few things to say about all this, though, that’s assuming Noah doesn’t break and say something first.