My hands fist into his shirt, the talk of just how good he works my body is driving me insane with need. His hand on my ass squeezes, but it’s not nearly enough. I need it. I need everything he’s got.

His lips brush over mine, teasing me with the knowledge of what they can do.

“Fuck, no,” Tully grumbles, grabbing a pillow from behind her back and launching it across the room. It hits Noah’s back but it’s like he doesn’t even notice it, his eyes remain firmly locked on mine. “You two go and find somewhere else to test Noah’s skills. There’s no way in hell you’re fucking in my bed. I sleep in these sheets.”

“Right,” Noah warns, sliding his other arm down my body and lifting me. “Then you better close your eyes real damn fast.”

Noah turns us before striding towards Tully’s bed. He lays me down on the end while standing between my legs which are still wrapped around his waist before diving for the button of my jeans.

“NO,” Tully screams, grabbing another pillow and hitting us with it. “Stop. Stop. Stop.”

Noah bursts out laughing before grabbing me and helping sit me up. I turn to face Tully. “Are you kidding me?” I laugh. “Do you seriously think we’d actually do that to you?”

“Uhhh, yeah,” she grumbles. “You might have a little self-respect, but Noah sure as hell doesn’t. If he thought for even a second that you’d go through with it, you’d already be in your birthday suit, screaming his name, and just about done.”

My eyes slice to Noah and I grin at him. I have to admit, Tully is right. Noah certainly would have gone through with it and he would have laughed when Tully desperately scrambled out of here. What she got wrong though, is that I definitely would have gone through with it. If he had kissed me a second longer, all signs of self-control would have flown right out the window.

Fuck. I can’t wait to get home and take what I’m missing.

“For the record,” Noah says as I swivel around on Tully’s bed and cross my legs, facing her head on. “There’s no way I’d be anywhere near done.”

“Please,” Tully scoffs. “Are you forgetting that we have paper thin walls? I hear everything.”

My face falls as horror quickly takes over. I glance across to Noah who’s smirking proudly before turning my gaze back on Tully. “What do you mean by ‘everything’?” I question, cautiously.

“I mean everything,” she says with a cheeky grin pulling at her lips despite how hard she’s trying to keep a straight face. “Every tiny little moan. Every time you cum. Every time he accidentally slips it in the wrong hole. I hear it all.”

“Woahhhhhh,” I gasp, drawing it out. “Now I know you’re lying. He’s never done that.”

“Which one?” she teases. “Made you cum? How disappointing for you.”

“Hey,” Noah cuts in. “Trust me. I’ve more than made her cum. Every fucking day.”

“Ok,” I say, looking up at Noah. “This is getting weird. Can we please stop discussing our sex life with your twin sister? It’s too much.”

“What?” he laughs. “Don’t act like you two don’t discuss it every chance you get. I’ve overheard your ridiculous conversations.”

“I never said that we don’t do it. We most certainly do, but it’s never with you in the room,” I tell him.

Noah rolls his eyes and collapses into the chair I’d been in only a few short minutes ago as a nurse walks in and practically has to force-feed Tully her afternoon pain meds. Tully is quick to shoo her away and the second the door closes behind her, Tully lets out a deep sigh. “I can’t take it anymore,” she groans. “I need to go home. I haven’t had a proper sleep since it happened.”

“Come on,” I tell her, trying to keep her spirits up. “Only another two days and you’ll be home. You just have to tough it out a little while longer.”

“But I don’t want to,” she says on the verge of a breakdown as her eyes grow teary.

Noah stands when he sees his sister so broken. “I’ll go talk to your doctor. See if we can get you home tonight.”

Her whole body perks up. “Really?”

“I’m not making any promises,” he tells her, moving forward and sliding an arm around her, giving her a quick hug as he pulls her into his side, “But I can try.”

She leans her head into him. “Thank you.”

With that, Noah walks out of the room and I crawl up to her side, laying down beside her. “You miss him, don’t you?” I murmur, knowing exactly where those tears were coming from.

Tully is silent for a moment before she lets out a sigh and drops her head to my shoulder. “Yeah,” she admits. “I know I’m supposed to hate him right now for what he did to you, but I…I just…”