Chapter 1

Henley – Whatcha doing? Wanna meet me in the darkroom and do that thing you like?

Tully – Ummmmmmmm…

Tully – I mean, I guess I could escape out of this hell hole. I wouldn’t mind getting a little nasty, but you’ll have to be more specific on what it is you like. I wouldn’t want to get it wrong!!!!

Tully – BTW, I knew you weren’t interested in my nasty ass brother!!!!! It’s been me all along, hasn’t it?


Wrong fucking number. She’s never going to let me live this down.

I get busy responding.

Henley – Of course, it’s always been you, my Queen!

Henley – It’s settled! I’ll ditch the nasty ass brother and we can run away together. We’d have such pretty babies.

Tully – Duh! Our babies are going to be hot AF!

Tully – You’re going to have to carry though! Nasty Ass’s DNA is closest to mine, so lucky for you, he’s still going to have to fuck you to knock you up! I ain’t getting around with his jizz inside me! That’s where I draw the line!

Henley – OMG!!!!!!! I need to burn my eyes!!!! WTF did I just read? You’re disgusting!!!!!!!!

Tully – Don’t judge! I’m fucking bored in this damn hospital. It’s called creating my own entertainment!

Henley – Fine! Be disgusting!

I cringe to myself before deciding to send another text. It’s a bit of a touchy subject though, but considering she seems to be in a good mood, I can risk asking right now. Unlike Noah; who got his head bitten off a few days ago for doing the very same thing.

Henley – Have you heard from Rivers?

Tully – What do you think? Ever since that video went out, he’s completely disappeared. It’s like he doesn’t exist anymore! I just wish he’d come and explain himself. I don’t understand why he’d do that to you.

Tully – Though…it couldn’t have been him. Are you sure the information was right? This doesn’t feel right.

Henley – Considering he disappeared right after the blast went out. I don’t know… it seems too coincidental, don’t you think?

Tully – I guess.

Tully – Shit. I have to go. The mean bitch is making me walk around again!

Henley – Don’t trip and eat dirt! Your face is too pretty for a broken nose!

Tully – Ha. Ha.

I smile to myself. I can imagine the look on her face right now. Tully’s been stuck in that hospital for nearly two weeks now and it’s killing her. There was talk about sending her home, but she’d be on strict bedrest and that’s going to be a whole other drama. Her arm is still shattered inside that cast and I’d bet that she’s still in all sorts of pain. She’s being brave though, but that’s not always a good thing.

Noah and I have practically been living in the hospital every chance we get. Hell, if I could, I’d be there right now, but apparently, I made myself this promise to kick myself up the ass and get my grades up. It sucks, like really sucks. I was not made for schoolwork. I was created for the sole purpose of being freaking awesome.

I don’t exactly have an academic mind, except for when it comes to science. Everything else seems to get the best of me. I hardly passed grade one mathematics. I mean, damn, multiplication is hard, add a little division to the mix and I’m fucked.

I scoot down in my chair and force myself to put my phone down. I’m never going to raise my grades and get accepted into the scholarship program at Broken Hill University if I can’t concentrate during one history class.

Without this scholarship, I’m nothing. Ok, well, that might be taking it a bit far but it’s certainly how I feel. I never knew just how badly I wanted this until Mr. Carver went and opened my eyes to a world full of possibilities. Haven Falls kids simply don’t go to college, it’s unheard of, but here I am, day in and day out, sweating bullets and hoping I somehow get in.

I don’t want to be nothing. I want to make something of myself, if not for my sake, then for Aria’s. She needs to see that high school isn’t the end of the line. I want her to strive for more and I can’t preach that to her if I don’t give it a shot myself.

I look towards the door as my mind, body, and soul scream to be released from the hell of history class. Just twenty more minutes. I can do it. I just have to look at the textbook before me and find something interesting to draw me in, then I’ll be good.

I let out a sigh. It’s impossible. I mean, if we were studying the Vikings, I’m sure I’d be able to find a few different things to help me along, but nope. Not today.