well. The noise…” I swallow the giant lump inside my throat, hoping my skin doesn’t flush over. “Sirens and stuff.”

“Well, you look like death,” Ava scoffs with a mouthful of toast.

“Thanks for the reminder, dear sister.”

I quickly take a seat across from Will, though avoiding his stare as Mom asks, “Coffee?”

“God, yes…” I clear my throat. “I mean, please.”

I relish the warm liquid with a cup in my hand while trying to figure out an escape plan. Avoiding eye contact is necessary, and surely, if I ignore him, my parents or sisters won’t suspect anything.

“Are you heading back to campus tonight?” My father asks, placing his phone down to focus on me.

“Uh, yeah.” I scratch the back of my neck. “I’ve got a lot of work to catch up on.”

“I’ll have the driver take you.”

“Honestly, Dad, it’s okay. I can take a train.”

“I’d really like it if you would accept my offer of a car, Amelia,” he almost demands.

I think about it again. Perhaps it’s not such a bad thing. I could spend more time in the city, but what for? He hasn’t even said two words to you.

“I’ll think about it, but if I agree, nothing flashy. I don’t want to be treated differently because you’ve gifted me a Porsche or something like that. How about something economical, good for the environment?”

“You know, Daddy,” Ava goads with a wide smile. “I’ll take the Porsche. I like to be treated differently and don’t care for the environment.”

Dad scoffs, shaking his head in amusement, then turns to Will. “Do you hear what I have to put up with? Nothing flashy. Like she expects me to walk into a used dealer to buy her some beat-up old truck.”

“Now, now. Go easy on her.” Mom laughs before patting my hand. “You know I’d normally defend you, but being a car enthusiast, I’d take your father’s offer.”

“I’ll think about it,” I say, wishing they would focus on anything else besides me.

“You have a bruise on your wrist,” Ava points out. “What the hell are you doing in college, or who the hell are you doing in college?”

“Ava!” Dad almost yells. “Is it your intent to give me an early stroke?”

“Sorry, Dad.” Ava snickers.

My gaze purposely focuses on the plate in front of me. It’s empty and white, and I wish that I could think of anything else. It proves pointless as something forces me to look up into Will’s eyes.

“I must have banged something, my dresser or desk.”

“Just like when you were a kid,” Will muses, lowering his gaze. “You were always scratched up when I saw you, but you never seemed to care.”

“I guess I didn’t feel pain.” My eyes zone in on him. “My pain threshold far outweighs a certain cry baby next to me.”

“Hey!” Ava sulks. “I resent that. Besides, all I ever remembered is Amelia daring Will to do things with the high chance of hurting himself.”

“Do I want to know what exactly?” Mom cringes.

“The point is—” I interrupt. “We’re all alive and well.”

“Speaking of being alive and well.” Mom directs her stare at Dad. “What time do you expect to be back?”

“We have back-to-back meetings, so I’m not sure.”

“We?” I ask, regretting it when my dad looks at me oddly.