I turned from the front counter and found both of my coworkers staring at me wide-eyed and confused.
“What are you two gawking at?” I tossed up my arm and moving past them into the locker room. Unfortunately, they followed me.
“What the heck was that?” Blake asked. “Are you into him?”
I shook my head without meeting her gaze. “He’s a client. That’s all.”
“For real,” Cher piped in. “You like him! Ohmygod, you never like anybody.”
“I said he’s a client!” I slammed my locker door and disappeared into the washroom. Why could those two not get it, I didn’t want them prying into my private life.
I changed out of my work clothes, into my own. Before pulling up my pants, I stared at the object Josh had given me. It looked like nothing more than a small wand-shaped vibrator. But I couldn’t find a button or seam anywhere. What was it supposed to do? Slipping it inside of me, I cringed at the thought of walking past my coworkers with it inside
of me.
When I exited the washroom, I was alone. Good. I took a deep breath and walked back into the office. Both Blake and Cher were keeping themselves busy with their paperwork. I moved toward the front door, pausing before opening it.
“Okay, fine,” I said, not looking at either of them. “I might like him, a little bit.” I winced as they squealed. “So let’s not jinx it.” I pulled the door open, leaving them chattering like birds behind me. Seriously. They acted as though I’d never been with a guy before.
After a boring lecture on skydiving safety, we geared up and took to the skies. Josh had booked a private plane for our jump, and I had to say I was grateful not to have anyone see how scared I was.
“Hey, aren’t you Ali?” The pilot called back to me. I leaned forward, and though he looked familiar I didn’t know his name. “I saw you last time you were here at the airport. I think you were putting in some hours towards a commercial license?”
“Oh, yeah,” I blushed. “That was me.”
“That’s pretty cool,” he said. “If you ever need some extra time, give me a call.”
Josh tensed beside me and possessively took my hand in his. I looked at him and frowned. What was the big deal?
“Okay, thanks,” I shouted back.
We took the rest of the ride in silence. I wasn’t sure what to say to Josh; he seemed distracted since I spoke to the pilot. In fact, no one spoke again until we were high enough and the pilot shouted back. “It’s go time.”
This time I was the one that tensed. Josh stood up next to me as if it was nothing—as if we weren’t about to thrust ourselves out of a flying plane and drop to the ground like dead weight. When he turned to me, I must have looked like I was freaking out, because his eyebrows instantly shot up.
“Are you okay?”
I shook my head. “I don’t know.”
He nodded slowly, then leaned forward and put an arm on each of my shoulders. “We’ll be falling together,” he said. “Don’t worry.”
He reached out a hand, and I took it. My throat was so dry I couldn’t speak if I wanted to. I didn’t want to freak out. I didn’t want to be the girl who gave up. But I also didn’t want to crash to the ground and have to explain having a vibrator stuffed inside of me.
At the door of the plane, Josh attached himself to me. I had to say the security of having him close was calming, although I would never admit it to anyone. But it was nice he was completely relaxed. Now I just needed it to rub off on me.
“Ready?” he asked.
I shook my head, but said, “Yes.” A smile broke across my face. “Mind-blowing, right?”
A wicked smirk crossed his lips. “You bet.”
“Let’s do this.”
And before I knew it, we jumped.
And then we were falling.