The sky was where I felt most like myself. In control. Away from the rest of the world. Call me a loner, but I loved being as far away from the hustle and bustle of a resort town in the Rockies. There was never a slow season. Outdoor adventures kept Canmore busy all year round.

But today I had to take a backseat. Not my forte.

At the hangar, I made sure to check the flight plan. It was nothing tough, just a quick stop at the Mount Charles Stewart landing site, a common place for weddings, hikers, and others looking for a quick ride to the top. It would be a piece of cake.

I’d swapped my skimpy office uniform to the standard company tour gear. We were allowed to dress much more practical when we left the office. Wouldn’t do to have girls trampling the mountainside in miniskirts and tank tops. I slipped out of my mini-skort into a pair of Three Sisters cargo pants and

threw a wind jacket over my tank top. Yeah, I had to skip underwear (the skorts had them built-in), but I’d survive the four-hour outing without them.

“So,” I said, trying to take my mind of the front of the chopper where I wished I was sitting. “Why Canmore?”

“I have some business here,” Josh said, from the seat across from me. He clasped his hands and started tapping his thumbs together. “Well, a mix of business and pleasure.” The wicked smile returned to his lips.

I turned my attention from his hands to the scenery outside. Below us, the peaks of the Three Sisters peaks approached. Not only the same name of our adventure tour company, which was actually owned by three sisters, but Canmore was also home to an amazing range of mountains with the same name.

“So what’s your business?” I asked, turning back to the cabin. I was being paid to keep Josh company after all. I should show a little interest.

“It’s a little of this, and that,” he said, focusing on his hands. “Some manufacturing. Some retail. Some research.”

I grunted at his ambiguousness. “Sounds like a lot more than this and that. So what—you’ve got a store or something? Obviously, you’re doing well.” I motioned to the chopper.

Josh shrugged. “It takes up a lot of my time, but I did start it from scratch, so I guess it’s like my baby.” He laughed. “I must sound like an idiot.”

“Not at all,” I said, shifting my body toward him. “Tell me what your business is about.”

Josh’s bit his lip before meeting my gaze. “Pleasure. It’s all about personal pleasure.”

I started laughing again. “You make it sound sexual.”

Josh lowered his head, his eyes burning into mine. “It’s exactly that. I’m the CEO of Moore Sex, LLC. A multi-national line of—”

“Sex toys,” I finished, my mouth dropping open. “You guys have everything. Dildos, vibrators, creams, oils, lingerie—”

“Blow up dolls, cock rings, and much more.”

“Wow,” I said, leaning against the back of my seat.

“Is that a good wow?” he smiled.

I let a smile creep across my face. Josh was more than the usual yuppie; he was a sex toy king. In theory, he should be the opposite of boring. He may be just what I’ve been looking for. “Tell me more about your business.”

By the time the chopper landed, I’d learned a lot more about Josh’s business than I’d expected. Vibrators were a number one seller. Then dildos and male masturbators filled the top twenty. Anal toys and cock rings joined the mix for the top forty. After that sex dolls and lubes helped fill the top hundred.

By the time we climbed out of the helicopter, my skin was flushed, and I was burning with excitement between my legs. Thank God I hadn’t been flying. Josh stepped out of the chopper first and motioned for me to take his hand.

The moment our skin touched my body lit up like a fire. What was wrong with me? It was late fall, we were on a mountaintop, and I was way too old for him.

“So,” I said, exhaling a burst of post-conversational excitement, “where to now? Hike a bit?”

Josh put his hands on his hips and surveyed the area. All around us the mountains poked at the horizon. Civilization was nowhere to be seen. I liked it here. “Um, to be honest, I didn’t really think that far ahead,” he said. “I just wanted to get some time alone with you.”

I opened my mouth to answer, but nothing came out. Was he serious? I couldn’t tell. “Come on, let’s go see the wild.”

“Yeah,” Josh said shaking his head. “I’m not so sure about that. You know—bears and all.”

I rolled my eyes. “You can’t be serious. Bears. For real? We just spent half an hour in a chopper to get here, and you’re worried about bears?”

He shrugged, flashing his perfect white teeth with an equally perfect crooked smile.