“Ohmygosh, no!” Cher squealed from behind her.

“What are you two talking about?” I asked.

Cher beelined for the coffee machine while Blake stopped at my desk. “Cher thinks that Darian might propose tonight. He’s driving down for a late supper.”

My eyebrows shot up. “Propose, as in marriage.”

“Yes, marriage, Ali.” Cher rolled her eyes as she poured a large cup of coffee. “What do you think it’s a business proposal?”

I ignored her and focused on Blake. “You’re right,” I said. “It is crazy.”

Blake frowned, and Cher burst out laughing. “Sheesh, Ali. You’re such a romantic.”

“What?” I said, looking at Cher with disapproval. “She’s young—not even twenty-five yet. She should give herself time to live a little. I mean, who even knows themselves at twenty-five.”

“I’m right here.” Blake’s face wrinkled up as if she was going to cry.

“Blake—” I began. But it was too late; she’d already moved past my desk to the locker room.

Cher frowned at me as she followed after Blake. “Good one, Ali. Tell us what you really think.”

“I’m just trying to protect her,” I called out to no one but myself. Turning back to

my computer to work, I couldn’t help but keep looking toward the locker room after Blake. Yes, I did find it hard to keep my opinion to myself, but sometimes I felt like my younger coworkers needed a little guidance. Blake was asking for opinions, wasn’t she? I slammed my fist on my desk. Dammit. Everyone here has become extra-sensitive since they started getting serious in their relationships.

I grabbed my purse and left the office. There were two things I needed – a brisk fall walk and an organic smoothie from my favorite smoothie stand in Canmore. When I got there I could instantly feel my stress level start to drop—the line was short. Within minutes my favorite kale-mango drink was being blended. I closed my eyes and exhaled a deep breath.

“Kale-mango,” the employee said, putting my drink on the shelf.

“Thanks,” a male voice said at the same time as me. Both our hands reached for the drink, but I got there first.

“Jinx,” he said.

“What?” I turned to him in confusion.

“I said, ‘jinx’,” he repeated. “And I’ll add that you’re holding my drink.”

“This?” I said, holding the smoothie between us, then pulling it back. I took a long sip from the straw not taking my eyes off of his steely greys. “You must be mistaken. It’s definitely mine.”

A smirk lifted the edge of his mouth, revealing a dimple just above where his clean-cut jaw ran square to the edge of his face. It would be cute if I was into that sort of fresh cut, sweetheart, boy next door kind of look. But I wasn’t. I liked my men rough around the edges so they weren’t so damn predictable like city-boy over here. The only things out of place were his expensive shoes. Italian leather stood out in a resort town.

“Well, it’s yours now,” he said. “I’m Josh.” He stuck out a hand, as well manicured as the leather shoes, waiting for me to take it.

I continued to suck my straw, glancing from his face, to his hand, and back again. “Hello, Josh.” I coyly slid my hand into his. His shake was firm and tight, and something fired up in his eyes when I didn’t resist. “So what brings a boy like you to a town like this?”

He held his arms out to his sides. “Isn’t this the place to find adventure?”

I chuckled. “It’s a little quiet here for that. My best advice is to go searching for it in the mountains.”

A limo pulled up next to the smoothie stand, sharply contrasting the quaint street and shops that surrounded it. I leaned in closer to Josh and motioned to the limo. “Maybe this guy can show you where to have some fun.”

“Awe,” Josh said, dropping his voice. “I was hoping you could show me how to have a good time.”

I took another sip of my smoothie before answering. “Sorry, I’ll have to decline. I’m not really into boys.” Then I spun on my heel and slowly walked away.

“Wait,” Josh called out. “I never got your name.”

I held a hand up in the air, waving goodbye as I continued down the street. Before I turned the corner toward the store, I glanced over my shoulder and saw Josh talking to the smoothie worker. Right before he climbed into the limo.