As we toured across the lake, I watched Darian working his paddle, each stroke perfectly timed. The muscles along his arms flexed each time the oar hit the water, working through the stroke until it broke through the surface and rose to enter again up ahead. Sometimes he paused, placing the paddle across his front, and I knew he was looking up at the mountain peaks with the same awe that I had. We might come from two different worlds, but we definitely had the same appreciation for our surroundings.

“Let’s stop up there.” I pointed out a section of beach ahead of us, where the pines lined its back like a fence keeping the area private. We’d been on the water for over an hour by this time, and had yet to see any other signs of human life. I took that as a sign.

I helped Darian steer us toward the shore, and within minutes we were pulling the kayak up onto the rocks with us. Darian retrieved the basket, and I pulled out a blanket I kept for longer trips like this. Mind you it was usually me and a small group when I was kayaking. This was my first one-on-one.

Once our blanket was laid, we sat together with the picnic basket between us. I reached inside and pulled out a container filled with strawberries and popped open the lid. I pulled one of the tiny dark red berries out of the container and held it between us. “I think you forgot to inform me that they were chocolate covered strawberries?”

He leaned forward and took a bite before I could protest. “Hey! I didn’t say I didn’t approve.” I popped the rest of the strawberry in my mouth, enjoying the mix of fruit and chocolate as they blended in my mouth.

Before I finished, he had the rest of the food out of the basket, displayed like a fine dining restaurant. I crinkled my nose at the variety of cheese, unsure which to trust not to make me stink.

“You look unsure.” He laughed. “Is it the food? You never did answer if you were allergic to anything.”

“Not allergic,” I said, reaching out and grabbing a piece of cheese that was shaped like a tiny slice of pie. Its exterior was soft and its interior smooth. “Just inexperienced.” I set it back down and looked up at him with bewilderment.

“All this time in a resort town and you’re stumped by cheese?” I frowned at his comment, and he quickly turned it around. “Here, let me teach you.” One-by-one he held up a sample of each meat on the charcuterie board, matching it with a cheese. I let him feed me, and he watched with excitement as I tried each sample. Some I liked, and some I didn’t, but I didn’t feel bad when I noticed there were a number of things he didn’t like either. Every time he explained something new, his voice got deeper, and his eyes grew more hungry for things that food couldn’t satisfy.

By the time we turned back to the strawberries, I was ready to cast the entire picnic aside and take him right there on the beach. But before casting aside the sweet dessert, I decided to use it to my advantage.

“Here,” I said, taking the container of strawberries from his hand. “It’s my turn to teach you.”

Curiosity played in his eyes as he handed the food over. I took out one strawberry before setting the container down and motioned for Darian to lean back on his arms. Then I got up onto my knees and straddled his lap. I didn’t look down, but could feel the bulge between his legs prominently pressing between mine. Thank God I didn’t wear any underwear today. I shifted gently against him where the thin cotton of my tennis skirt moistened against the friction. He gave me a cocky grin as I lifted the strawberry to his lips. When he tried to bite it, I pulled it away, teasing him.

“Just a moment,” I said, taking a teacher-tone. “Before you eat this, did you know that the chocolate was made right here in the Rocky Mountains.”

“Interesting.” Darian’s eyelids dropped as he stared at the fruit in front of him.

“Yes,” I continued. “And the berries, grown right in these mountains, fed with the freshest water as it melted down from the mountain tops.”

“You don’t say.” He shifted his weight as he sat up and reached an arm around me.

I nodded. “Yes, I do say. You see, not only am I an adventure guide, but I also dabble in a little bit of the culinary arts.”

“Really?” he asked, an eyebrow instantly shooting up.

“Only when it comes to eating.” A flirtatious laugh slipped through my lips. “Especially something as delicious as strawberries and chocolate.” I leaned in closer and ran the dipped end of the strawberry along his lips.

“You’re damn sexy when you laugh like that.” He leaned forward, pressing his lips against mine and reached up with his free hand, running it through my hair until it was entwined in my hair, and pulling my head closer to his. On his lips, I could taste the slightest residue of chocolate. I dropped the strawberry and wrapped my arms around his head, messing up his hair in my embrace. Our picnic had officially ended.


My hands slid down to the top of Darian’s jeans, where I tucked my fingers between the denim and his lower abs. My touch was met with a soft patch of hair. A smile broke across my lips. Someone else skipped underwear too.

I began to tug at the top of his shorts but was met with resistance. “Not yet,” he whispered. He unraveled his fingers from my hair and put both hands on my hips, then tenderly pulled my hips toward his and pushed them back, rolling the thin piece of cotton between my legs against his bulge.

A moan escaped my lips. Darian’s hand quickly moved back up into my hair threading my strands as he gently pulled my head back. He pressed his lips below my earlobe, sending shivers down the side of my body as I arched against him. As if to soothe me, he reached his other hand under my shirt, behind the elastic of the built-in sports bra, and met my bare breast. There he rolled my nipple between his thumb and forefinger sending more sensations across my body.

His lips continued down the side of my neck, as I released tiny whimpers of pleasure. In response, I ground my hips harder against his, the wet fabric between my legs rub against the front of his shorts. I could feel him meeting me with each roll. I reached down again, desperately wanting to feel his cock against me.

“Not yet,” he said on exhalation. “Ever since I saw you in that tiny skirt, the hint of your smooth ass poking out the back with each sway of the fabric—” his hand released my breast and reached down between my legs— “and then last night, that brief taste. God, all I’ve been able to think about is your sweet pussy.”

I arched my hips high enough, allowing his fingers to slip inside the fabric, then lowered myself onto his palm. One finger slipped along my fold, where it teased my clit making it throb beneath his touch. I clenched my thighs against his hand, which made him rub faster. I didn’t hold back, letting my cries loose into the wild around us.

“Don’t cum yet,” he pleaded. Moving his hands to my back, he slowly lowered me from his lap to the ground.

“You’re wearing too many clothes,” I said, reaching across my midsection with each arm, and tugging at my tight tank top until it pulled up off the top of my head. My nipples contracted in the cool mountain air until they became tiny dark points at the ends of my breasts.

“Not at all.” Darian shook his head as he shifted to his knees, still positioned between my thighs. “Today is all about you.”