“You must have got home early.”

“Hmmm.” She shrugged, taking a sip. “Early enough. So what’s the plan for the day? I thought you weren’t scheduled?”

“I’ve got a last minute one-on-one kayak trip,” I announced. “I’m won’t know if it’s a half-day or full-day until the client gets here.”

Ali raised an eyebrow, searching our calendar. “As I said, it was last minute.”

The door dinged again, finally announcing Darian’s arrival. His face lit up when he saw me, and he lifted up a basket. “I’ve brought a picnic for lunch; I hope that’s okay.”

Ali looked from him to me, and back again. “Mmm-hmm.” She nodded. “Sounds like a full day. And I thought you hated these uniforms?”

“It’ll work for now.” I winked before taking the basket from Darian. I mouthed a thank you across the counter, then left him to settle up with Ali. It felt weird that he was paying for our day out, but it was on company time and resources. I loaded everything up in the work Jeep, then pulled it around front and honked for him to meet me.

“Two kayaks?” He looked disappointed when he climbed into the Jeep.

I shrugged. “We can wait and decide when we get to the lake.”

I took him south of town to Kananaskis Country where I knew we’d be less harassed by tourists. It wasn’t that it was an unknown drive, it was just more off the beaten trail and there were a ton of spots we could launch the kayak. I wanted all the privacy we could find. This was my first “second” date in a long time.

On the way out, Darian’s hand reached out and took mine from where it sat on the console between us. His fingers interlaced with mine, and stayed that way for the entire ride.

“I hope you aren’t allergic to anything,” he said. “I had the restaurant do up a basket for us. There are some strawberries, a charcuterie board, and some different cheeses.”

“Sounds fancy,” I said, thinking back to his room. “Just how much money do you plan to throw around while you’re here?”

“Hey,” he said, feigning offense, “I just haven’t had anyone to throw it around at in a long time. Indulge me. I’ve worked my ass off for twenty years; I think it’s time I spend it as I please.”

“Deal,” I said, raising my hand from the wheel in submission.

He quickly grabbed the steering wheel with his free hand, and steadied the Jeep. “That doesn’t mean I’m looking to end things anytime soon.”

“I hope not.” I glanced at him and winked. “Now stop distracting me and let me drive.”


We pulled into a small section of gravel that sat at the edge of Goat Pond. We weren’t far from town, but were just far enough to make it feel like we were the only two people in the world. Darian helped me unload a kayak, which we tucked the basket of food inside before taking it out into the water.

“Have you ever kayaked before?” I asked.

“Yes, ma’am,” he said. “I promise not to capsize us.”

I laughed. “As long as you know how to roll, I won’t be worried.”

“Roger,” he said.

“And don’t ever call me ma’am again.”

We carried the kayak together, setting it in the dark, cold waters. “Shouldn’t we launch from shore?” he asked.

I shook my head. “No, a kayak is more stable when it’s all in the water. Are you ready?”

He nodded, and I motioned for him to get in first. Darian proved to be less awkward than I expected, slipping into the boat with ease. I handed him his paddle, and then braced myself with mine, as I lowered my legs into my seat.

“And we’

re off!” he announced.

As we rode out into the water, I helped paddle to get us going. Eventually, we’d developed an even rhythm, and the current helped to push us along. I couldn’t help but be in awe by our surroundings. The quiet sounds of the lake as the water lapped against our boat and the odd cry of a loon somewhere in the distance; all of this under the shadow of the great Rocky Mountains, that towered far above us in the sky. This was part of what had kept me in Canmore for the last two years, its powerful and untouched beauty where adventures could be found in any corner.