I cried out in pleasure as his tongue ran up my pussy, exploring everything from my hole to clit. I squirmed as his lips sucked on my already swollen bud, making my body burn with desire. His hands reached up, and he entwined his fingers with mine. Before I could stop it, my body began to seize with pleasure, as I came into his mouth.

Like a mountain lion, he jumped up, grabbing onto my wrists as his knees spread my legs further apart. Pinned beneath his hold I raised my hips, begging for his cock. His hips met mine, as he thrust himself inside me. I cried out with unbridled joy, as he quickly carried me to a second orgasm from his cock slamming against my already swolle

n clit.

This time we came together, him deep inside me, riding me like a master driver, while I kept my grip tight, pulling him as close as possible against my naked body. With a loud cry, he picked up speed, groaning as he slammed harder and harder, our skin slapping against one another. I let out a high-pitched moan as my senses exploded, and he followed suit, with one last thrust, holding it inside me as if he’s just hit hyper-drive.

I let go of his back, my arms falling weak beside me while he fell against my chest, breathing heavily into my ear. Like a gentleman he quickly rolled to his side, pulling his cock from inside me, and nestled himself against my neck.

“That was amazing,” he said his breath panting against my already hot skin.

I smiled. “It was fucking fantastic.”

He chuckled. “Maybe we can order some room service and then play again a little later?” he asked.

My nerves from earlier returned. I couldn’t stay the night. That was my cardinal rule. “I’m sorry,” I said, pushing myself up. “But I can’t.”

He leaned back and propped his head up. “Why? Do you work in the morning?”

“No.” I swung my bare legs off the end of the bed. “It’s just not good practice to spend a night with a client.”

He chuckled. “You make this sound illicit.”

“Not at all,” I said, looking over my shoulder and offering him another smile. My dark blond hair fell across my eyes. “A girl has to have some sort of moral compass.”

I felt the bed shift, as I leaned forward to pick up my shirt and bra, tangled together where they lay on the floor. As I straightened up, his hands were on my shoulders, massaging gently, and his mouth was close to my ear.

“Please stay.”

I stood up, letting his arms drop from me as I slipped my arms into my blouse. “I can’t. I’m sorry.”

He pulled a sheet with him as he threw his legs over the edge of the bed, draping it across his lap. Reaching forward he slipped his thumbs into the top of my skirt, and shimmied me between his legs. “Are you sure.” His puppy dog eyes stared up at me, filled with want and lust as he kissed around my bare belly button.

I put a finger on the edge of his nose before replying. “Yes, I’m sure. Even though you make it incredibly hard to say no.” I leaned over and kissed the end of his nose as he groaned loudly.

“A girl after my own heart—you keep promises and have morals.” He tugged the bottom of my skirt back in place, then leaned back on his elbows. Small black hairs curled out from the top of the sheet, where his groin was hidden below. When my gaze met his again, a smile played at the edge of his mouth; he fully knew I was just fantasizing what lie beneath the thin white cotton between us. “Seeing as your free tomorrow, I’d like to book a one-on-one kayak trip across the lake.”

“Sounds interesting,” I said. “What all do you want to see?”

“I’ve got some ideas,” he said, nodding his head to the door. “I’ll let you know in the morning.”


As I stacked pamphlets in the office the next morning, I couldn’t help but think about last night. In fact, since I left Darian’s suite, I hadn’t stopped thinking about last night and I’d barely had any sleep as a result of it. Mindless tasks like pamphlet stacking were about all I was good for.

I jumped when the door dinged behind me, thinking it was him, but it was Cher. She looked hungover and worse for it. A pair of wide dark sunglasses hid her eyes, and her feet dragged as she plopped herself behind Ali’s desk and laid her head down.

“Everything okay?” I asked, pausing mid-air with a stack of her camping flyers.

She held one arm in the air with a thumb up, then let it fall back to the desk.

“Let me put the coffee on,” I offered, moving to the back corner where we kept the machine. After a number of heaping scoops I hit brew, and the wonderful scent of dark roast filled the air.

The door dinged again, this time announcing Ali. She looked more chipper than ever, and had even made time to stop at her favorite smoothie shack before coming to the office. “Good morning, ladies,” she chirped as she set her things on the edge of her desk. “What’s happening here?” she motioned toward Cher.

“Rough night,” I explained.

Ali nodded. “Well, nothing is going to ruin my day. I had the best sleep I’ve had in weeks.”