“I don’t know how much sleep I’d be doing in here,” I said, wrapping my arm around one of the thick mahogany king-sized posts that made up the bed frame. Darian gave me a quizzical look, and I quickly added. “There’s just so much to do, I mean.”

He grabbed the post opposite me, and looked around. “Yeah, now it kind of looks stupid to have all of this for one guy.”

I laughed. “Why leave your room at all. You could spend your vacation in here.”

His gaze caught mine, his eyes dark and serious again. I stopped swinging on the post, my palms now sweaty from his gaze. “Maybe I would if I had someone to enjoy it with.”

I opened my mouth to reply, but had nothing witty to say. Darian was so intense that he stumped me. He wasn’t like the transient boys I was used to hooking up with from Canmore. He was determined. He knew what he wanted.

But was he willing to come and get it?

I shifted my legs, feeling the heat growing between them, and let go of the bedpost, dropping myself to the edge of his bed. Instantly I sank into the sheets, against the full plush mattress. “Oh,” I moaned, “now this is paradise.” I arched back and swung my arms out like a snow angel, then looked up to find him standing at the side of the bed watching me.

“Are you going to join me?” I patted the blanket.

“Hey,” Cher interrupted. “We’ve all got some drinks.”

John walked into the room and looked from me to Darian. “Um, I think we should take off, maybe?” He gave Darian a quizzical look.

“No, don’t,” I said sitting up from the bed. “There’s room enough for all of us in here.” I stood up and grabbed a free drink from Cher. Darian came right behind me, reaching over my shoulder to grab one for himself. I stepped backward, and found myself pressed against him. He didn’t move, so I pushed closer to him. His fingers slid against my thigh, playing with the bottom hem of my skirt. I could feel his breath, warm against my bare shoulder. It was all I could do to not toss my drink at the fireplace and jump him.

Instead, I took a sip of my drink and tried to send ESP messages to Cher to leave. “Where’s Ali?”

“Off to do who knows what.” Cher winked.

“Good for her,” I replied. Ali needed to have a little fun too. As long as I worked with her, she kept her sex life very private.

“Fancy room,” Cher said, moving past us, staring at the lavish décor. “Oh and a Jacuzzi!”

I stepped away fr

om Darian, instantly regretting it as the warmth of his body slipped away from mine, and took a seat on the smooth black leather couch. Darian followed, turning on the fireplace before sitting next to me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to his chest.

“No Jacuzzi tonight,” Darian said, stroking my bare shoulder with his thumb. “Maybe tomorrow?”

“Awe,” Cher pouted. Sweet Cher. I know she didn’t mean to be a cock block, she was just too sweet and naïve. “Now what will we do for fun?”

“You guys should go dancing,” I offered.

“Yeah!” John agreed. Cher squealed as she pulled him out of the bedroom.

“Did you want to go?” Darian asked, leaning in and whispering in my ear.

I shook my head. I was perfectly happy where I was.

Finally, we were alone again.


Darian sat silent, watching the door where our friends had slipped out, his eyes avoiding mine. I remembered the feel of his large hands as they gripped my waist under the raft. The look of worry in his eyes I regained my grip on the edge of the boat, and pulled myself out of the water. His concern was sweet; he didn’t know as a seasoned pro that I’d pulled myself out of more than one lake.

But that’s how clients liked it, the male ones at least—a girl in need of their assistance. It brought out their masculinity tenfold, and what happens on vacation, stays on vacation.

“How long have you all known each other?” I asked. Casual conversation was a safe bet to get things moving out of an awkward zone.

“Too long.” He leaned forward, tapping his fingers against the side of his drink. A smile played at the edge of his lips, disguised by the flickering of the fire. The shadows made the scruff of his facial hair look darker, which made me think again about how good it would feel between my legs. And hopefully sooner than later. “What about you girls?” he asked.

I licked my lips before replying, careful not to reveal more information than necessary. I was notorious for over talking when I got nervous. “Same as you.” I turned toward him, pointing my bare knees against his, ready to take this to the next level. “I wonder if we have anything else in common.”