watching the details, never missing what matters.”

Another round of shooters showed up. Again I slid mine over to John. I chewed the inside of my cheek as I glanced back at Darian. He was still watching John and me talking, but looked less agitated than he did before. I noticed that both of his shooters sat in front of him untouched. I lifted my glass slightly, and for a moment the corners of his mouth turned up. Then he leaned forward and said something just low enough, only those at his end of the table could hear it.

“Let’s go!” Ali said. “I could use a change of scenery.”

I frowned, watching everyone down their last sips and start getting out of their chairs. “Aren’t you all coming?” Cher asked.

“Where?” I said, confused at the change in pace.

“To Darian’s suite!”

As everyone shuffled out of the chairs, I glanced back at him, arms crossed as he leaned back in his seat. A wicked smile was plastered across his face, like a guy who knew how to get what he wanted.

My stomach fluttered in anticipation of what that might be.


Cher had managed to get herself next to John, and the two of them wobbled down the hallway together, arm in arm. I couldn’t help but feel I’d contributed to John’s stagger with the extra shooters I gave him. But neither seemed to mind, both laughing and giggling together.

Ali was up ahead, walking next to Darian. It made sense if she was attracted to him too; he was the one in charge and she loved to be in control. But when we reached the penthouse suite on the top floor of the hotel, Darian unlocked the door, motioning for Ali and the others to go in ahead of him. Suddenly I felt nervous, being the one trailing behind the group. In just moments I’d be within touching distance of Darian again. Images of his bare chest and my fingertips grazing across it jumped to my mind. The touch of his thumb on my lips. His hand guiding my bottom back into the raft. By the time I reached him, I was practically panting.

“Are you having fun yet?” he asked, placing a hand in front of the doorway, blocking me from the others.

I shrugged. “It’s nice to be out.”

“Am I boring you?” he asked, eyebrows raised.

“I haven’t had a chance to find out yet.” I pushed things further, just to get a rise out of him. “You were so busy visiting with my friends when I arrived.” An amused smile played on my lips, which seemed to ignite something in Darian’s eyes.

“Well, I’ve been waiting for you to arrive since our moment in the showers,” he said, dropping his arm as a shiver ran down my back at his mention of the showers. So, he was still thinking about it too. He continued, “Someone had to keep me company so I didn’t go stir crazy. Now, don’t let me stop you from finally entering my hotel room.”

This time I was the one who raised an eyebrow. I wasn’t ready to quit the banter so soon. Darian wasn’t the only one who could take control of the situation. “Why don’t you give me a tour?”

His brows shot up. “Are you sure?” I nodded, keeping my control. “Then let me show you where the magic happens.” I let a laugh escape at the cheesy line. But he didn’t waiver; he pressed his hand against my back and guided me into his suite.

Cher, Ali, and I had seen our share of penthouses before. Darian and his crew weren’t the first group of clients we’d joined for after work drinks. But that didn’t stop me from letting Darian show off all the bells and whistles. Our first stop was the sunken living room, where Ali had taken a seat with two of the guys. John and Cher were already at the bar. I couldn’t help but notice that we were missing three of the guys.

“Married,” Darian said in a low voice, answering my question before I asked it. “They don’t mind drinks, but when it comes to after parties they’d rather not get into any trouble with their wives, if you know what I mean.”

“What about you?” I whispered.

He had the confident smile of a man used to getting his way, but his answer surprised me. “Oh, I haven’t got into trouble in a very long time.”

“I find that hard to believe. A single guy who knows how to have a good time? I’m sure you get into your share of trouble.”

“I’ve been too busy with work to get into any.” I raised an eyebrow and he instantly held up his hands in defense. “I swear. And you know how I feel about people and their word.”

Before I could probe anymore, he turned to John. “Why don’t you get mixing everyone a drink? Spare no expense—give the people whatever they want. And someone turn on some music in this place!”

With the sounds of ice clinking into empty glasses and modern rock chasing after us, Darian pulled me by the hand, down the long hallway that ran behind the bar. He pointed to the large bathroom, where we ducked our heads inside. I admired the marble walls and matching sinks. Next was a large walk-in closet that had nothing but spare bedding and towels inside it.

“Where are all your clothes?” It was a logical question.

He laughed. “In my suitcase, of course. Who wants to pack and unpack, then pack again? What kind of holiday is that?”

He pulled me out of the closet into the last door, his master suite. The center of the room held a large king sized bed, decked out with plush blankets and pillows. Opposite the bed was a large fireplace that shared the same wall as the back of the bar. Surrounding it was a black leather couch, flanked by two chairs. On its other side, a large Jacuzzi tub sat in the corner.

“What do you think?” he asked, letting go of my hand and spinning around. “Does it look sleep-worthy to you?”