The guys barely let me finish before barrelling out of the raft and jumping into the water. I tried to reach for my grab rope, but chaos ensued from their rustling about, and before I knew it I was pushed overboard along with some of the gear.

The cold river shot through my system. I struggled to get upright, but instead managed to get myself tangled in the ropes under the raft. I panicked, fighting against them, only making things worse. Then my common sense turned on. I’d fallen out of rafts before, and heck I’d gotten tangled in ropes too. What I needed to do was be calm. Before I ran out of air.

I slowly began to regain control, letting out my breath slowly as I calmed myself down. Pulling gently at the ropes, I untangled my arm. I was almost free when Darian’s face appeared next to me. He helped me get the last of the ropes off, and then pulled me up against his body, toward the surface.

“Thank you,” I said, grabbing the edge of the raft with Darian’s arm still around me. I slowly pulled myself in, my arm burning where the rope had rubbed against my skin. I struggled against the pain for a moment, but Darian’s hand cupped my bottom as he helped push me back into the raft. I lay on the floor of the raft a moment, catching my breath, thinking of Darian’s fingers just inches from my crotch, when he climbed inside next to me.

“Are you all right?” His face was twisted in concern as he checked me over. “Those idiots could have killed you.”

I propped myself, and shook my head trying to get rid of my silly thoughts. I could have drowned, but all I could think about were his fingers between my legs. I forced a swallow. “I’m fine. This happens—it was an accident. It comes with the turf.”

“Seriously, you can’t tell me this has happened before.” His steel gray eyes were wide, as he helped me up to sit up. I cringed as he placed a hand on my raw injuries. “Oh no, look at your arm.”

“It’ll heal,” I said, looking back out into the water. The rest of the crew was already at the shore, sheepishly kicking at the rocky beach. “What’s going on?”

“I ordered them all out of the water,” he said, still holding a hand at the small of my back. It sent a warm feeling across both sides to my mid-section, where it collided into tiny bursts of warmth. “They’ll all apologize,” he added.

“It was an accident,” I reminded him.

“In my line of work accidents can almost always

be avoided.” He reached past me, for the oars that lay tucked away on either side. His chest rubbed against my back, sending a shiver through my body. “See, you’re freezing,” he added. “How about we let them load everything up while I try to warm you up.”

My cheeks flushed hot at the idea of Darian making me warm. It wasn’t like I’d say no, but he didn’t realize I was the kind of girl to let a bunch of boys dote on me. “I’m fine,” I said as he rowed us to shore.


Darian insisted on driving back, but I refused to let him. After agreeing to let his crew pack up the raft and gear, and letting Darian rub me down after wrapping me in a blanket, I needed some space. My entire body was electrified from his touch. If I had any more contact I’d be barely able to control myself from moaning out loud.

Back at the shop, Darian ordered all the guys go back to the hotel after they showered. I slipped to the office and filled out a brief incident report—only because Darian insisted it be on file. I didn’t like being told how to do my job.

“They guys are insisting we join them after supper so they can buy you drinks as an apology,” Cher said, returning from the locker room with Darian.

I waved my hand in the air. “I’m fine. I think I’ll just go home.”

Darian frowned, but before he could say anything Cher stepped in. “It’s too late. I already told them yes, and now they’ve left for the hotel to get changed.”

“Well then I need to shower,” I grumbled as I pushed past Cher. I left Darian with Ali so he could finish the report he insisted on. Once alone in the locker room, I stripped out of my wetsuit and slipped into the shower room letting the hot water run down my body.

I checked over my arm. Yes, it was tender, but it would heal. The rope had broken the skin in only a few places, making it raw underneath. But I wasn’t bleeding, so that was a plus. This would be one of my less serious injuries.

“Does it hurt?” Darian’s voice surprised me from the door to the showers. I spun around and found him still dressed in his trunks. He stepped into the room and turned on the shower head next to me.

“I thought you were all gone?” It wasn’t that I was nervous to be showering next to him, they were co-ed showers for employees and clients. But my voice still came out quiet, his presence making me nervous for other reasons—like the fact that he was half-naked right beside me.

“I wanted to make sure they were all out of your way,” he said, letting the warm water fall over his dark hair, and down his chest. “So what about your arm?”

I paused for a moment, before looking up from his chest to his face. “I’ll survive,” I said. “It looks worse than it is.”

He nodded, his jaw clenching as he looked at me, as if pondering over his words. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

I ran my hands through my hair. “I’m tougher than I look.”

“Now that I would believe.” He laughed a deep laugh, and I looked away. My heart was beating against my ribs like waves hitting rocks in the rapids. What was wrong with me? This guy made me blush out of control like some school girl.

“You don’t have to come tonight if you don’t want to,” he said quietly.

I dropped my hands, looking back at him as I spoke a little too fast. “I do want to come and see you—all of you.”