Page 117 of Forever Right Now

“This hearing, in the matter of custody and establishment of paternity for Olivia Abbott, a minor child, the Clerk of the Court will now read the DNA results as subscribed in our last hearing that was since delayed.”

He nodded his head at the clerk, and she started to rise.

Mr. Holloway, sitting beside his clients on the other side of the courtroom got to his feet first.

“Your Honor, before we begin the Abbotts have requested I read a statement to the Court.”

Judge Chen frowned and peered over his glasses. “I hope this isn’t yet another delay in proceedings, Mr. Holloway?”

“No, Your Honor.”

I nudged Jackson. He shrugged back.

“Very well,” the judge said. “Proceed.”

Holloway cleared his throat. “It is the wish of my clients, Gerald and Alice Abbott, that they hereby rescind their petition for custody of Olivia Abbott. With this statement, they do intend to terminate their Order to Show Cause, and request that the paternity test results remain sealed in perpetuity and/or destroyed. Furthermore, they, as the parents of the deceased Molly Abbott, wish to sign on her behalf a Voluntary Declaration of Paternity, naming Sawyer Haas the natural father of Olivia Abbott and inscribing his name on her birth certificate as required by law.”

The words rolled over me like an avalanche. I’d hardly grasped one revelation of what the Abbotts had done before Holloway read another. Dazed, I glanced up at Jackson who looked like he was trying his best not to jump out of his chair. I turned to Darlene, sitting beside Henrietta. She had her fingers pressed to her mouth, tears streaming. Lastly, my robotic movements brought my gaze to the Abbotts. Alice’s kind face was tear streaked and Gerald’s lips were pressed tight. Their hands were clasped on the table, tightly.

I opened my mouth to speak, not quite sure what would come out, but Holloway wasn’t finished.

“It is the Abbotts’ further wish to pay child support in the amount of five thousand dollars per month until such time as Mr. Haas’s bar exam results are known and his employment secured. This support comes with no conditions or caveats.” Holloway flashed a pleased smile my way. “That is all.”

The judge’s eyebrows came together. “Are your clients aware, Mr. Holloway, that rescinding all claims to custody—permanent or partial—means that any visitation or contact with Olivia Abbott will be left to the sole discretion of Mr. Haas?”

“They are aware, Your Honor. But they have

hope that Mr. Haas will honor the faith the Abbotts have in him as Olivia’s father, and do what is best for all parties.”

I nudged Jackson but he needed no prompting. He shot to his feet.

“He will, Your Honor,” Jackson said, and I was shocked to hear my friend’s voice crack a little. “In the eyes of the law, a judge’s ruling carries more weight than one’s word, but in this situation, I know that this man’s honor and duty to his daughter run deeper than any order…or blood test.” He turned to the Abbotts. “And on a personal note, thank you. Thank you very much, on his behalf and mine.”

“And mine too,” Darlene said in a small voice from her seat in the gallery.

“Amen,” Henrietta intoned, as if we were at church.

The judge sighed, though the hint of a smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. “Well, this is the most unorthodox custody hearing I’ve ever presided over, but if the Abbotts are withdrawing their petition, I have no reason to deny their request. The paternity test results will be destroyed and Mr. Haas, you are free to file a Voluntary Declaration of Paternity. That is all.”

He banged his gavel, and it was like a door slamming shut on one terrible future and opening on another. I stood on shaking legs as the Abbotts approached.

“I…don’t know what to say,” I said. “Thank you doesn’t seem strong enough.”

Alice tentatively reached out and touched my cheek. “Olivia loves you, and more than anything, that’s what we want. What we’ve always wanted. For her to be happy. She wouldn’t be, without you.”

I nodded, my teeth clenched. “I love her,” I said. “So much. I promise I’ll do right by her for the rest of my life.”

“We’ve finalized the purchase of the condo in the Marina,” Gerald said gruffly. “It has a spare room that we will keep for her. For when she visits Grandma and Grandpa?”

It was like a question and I wanted to erase all doubt in their minds. “Just make sure it has blocks. You know how she is about her blocks.”

Gerald held my gaze a moment, then burst out laughing. He shook my hand and then pulled me in for a hug. Alice joined, and I felt like some huge, empty space in my life I didn’t know was there, was filling up with everything I’d ever wanted.

My eyes found Darlene over Alice’s shoulder, and she gave me two thumbs up, tears streaming.

She’s everything I’ve ever wanted.

I made a motion with my hand to wave her over. She started to hobble, but Jackson was quicker. He scooped her up and carried her to our little group. Our family, and the last piece fell into place.