“Ha ha.”

My thumbs started flying.

And I completely fucked up.

“Dude,” Connor said.

“Shut up and watch,” I said.

What do you mean? she wrote.

What you told me about your ex caught me off guard. I couldn’t believe any guy would be so blind to what he had in you. But I didn’t treat you with the respect you deserved either. You put something personal and painful in my hands and I dropped it.

It’s okay, she wrote back and I could imagine her soft smile as she leaned her chin on her hand, the phone in the other, reading my words.

No, it’s not. He had two years with you and he threw them away. I had only one dinner, but it was enough to make me want to do better. To talk to you.

I hit send and bit my lip, brows furrowed. I felt Connor’s anticipation hanging over me, but he kept silent.

Thank you for saying so, Autumn wrote. I think I’d like that too.

How about we grab a coffee?

I have to be up early, remember?

I shot Connor a look. He shrugged and tried to grab for his phone. I smacked his hand away.

Decaf coffee.

:) but now?

Right now. Before you sleep and wake up and put me behind you. I don’t want to be there. I want to be in front of you, at least one more time.

“Too much,” Connor murmured. “She’s going to say no.”

“Shhh,” I hissed.

My heart was pounding like it did before a race. It wasn’t my race, but I was already halfway to the finish line and losing was not an option. I ran to win, even if it meant this time I’d lose. Hard.

Finally, the rolling dots of Autumn’s reply appeared. I held my breath.

I think Claire’s Café is still open. I could meet you there?


flooded my chest and my hand clenched in victory under the table.

Perfect, I typed. See you in a few.

See you then, Connor.


His hand clapped my shoulder and the cold bucket of reality splashed over my ‘victory.’

“Holy shit.” He took his phone back and read over the texts. “You have a gift, my friend.”

“Yeah, well, study and learn,” I said stiffly, rising from my chair. I wasn’t dressed for running but my sweats and T-shirt would suffice. I went to the door to put on my shoes. “Read what I wrote to her and use it. And the comment she made about the sports bar being a haven? Tell her you’re still thinking about it. Tell her what it meant to you.”