Page 78 of The Sinner

“That’s it?”

“You drank some wine. Perhaps that’s why things are a bit hazy.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“What you believe is of little consequence to me,” he said, and I caught a flash of pain dart across his face before he looked away.

Tears sprang to my eyes for a thousand different reasons, none of which I could grasp. Because I couldn’t grasp them. Because Casziel was lying, and it hurt him to do it. I could see the anguish in his eyes and hear it in his voice, hiding behind his cold tone. He was holding me at arm’s length while I wanted to wrap those arms around me…

Silence fell, as thick as the air that was heavy with the promise of rain. A storm was coming, and I wondered what would be left of me when it came.

“Come on,” I said as my phone notified me that the Uber was here. “Let’s get this over with.”

The car took us to Central Park, where we joined a few stragglers—other late-comers hurrying into the Boathouse. The restaurant had been opened up so that guests would be able to move inside and out, between the bar and the patio that would become the reception after the ceremony. Dining tables and chairs had been cleared away from the deck that overlooked The Lake, and white foldouts had been arranged in rows facing an arch of gardenias that laced the air with their delicate scent. The water rippled gently in the breeze that was almost a wind but not quite. Wedding planners kept nervously glancing at the sky.

Ushers guided Cas and me to our seats, one row behind Jana and her husband. She was holding an adorable baby boy in a mini suit of powder blue. His chubby cheek was smooshed against his mama’s shoulder while he slept, oblivious.

I leaned in and whispered, “I’m never going to make it through the ceremony if I have to stare at that cuteness the whole time.”

Jana turned. “Hey, you! You look beautiful. And don’t keep it down for Wyatt’s sake. This guy sleeps through anything. Oh, except the night.” She nudged the man next to her. “Brian, this is Lucy, she of the ingenious shoe idea that you’re going to make Jason attach his tennis star to.”

Jana’s husband craned around in his seat with a friendly smile. “I sure am, though I don’t think Kai will need much convincing.” He extended a hand to Casziel. “Brian Gill.”

The demon dragged his gaze to Brian’s hand, then away.

I coughed. “This is Cas Abisare. He’s…not feeling well.”

“Sorry to hear that,” Brian said, shooting his wife a look. He turned around quickly; the back of his neck above his suit collar had broken out in goosebumps.

Jana raised her brows at me, but the ceremony was starting. Kimberly took her place under the arch, looking radiantly happy in a white suit with a cobalt blue tie. She glanced nervously at the officiant, which made me smile. Kimberly was never nervous.

The bridesmaids and groomsmen walked down the aisle and took their places—a mix of both on either side. Then Nylah, on the arm of her father, took her turn. She was stunning in a white dress with blue flowers embroidered up the hem, the same color as Kim’s tie. She and Kimberly both had tears in their eyes as they clasped hands.

I was flooded with happiness to witness their happiness—a romance novel playing out right before my eyes. Without thinking, I took Casziel’s hand, squeezing hard, needing an outlet so I wouldn’t make a fool of myself by bursting into tears.

To my shock, his fingers curled around mine and held on. I didn’t dare look at him, afraid he’d change his mind and push me away. But he sat with my hand engulfed in his as we watched the ceremony.

The officiant began her opening, but her voice sounded distant. Nylah and Kimberly grew blurry and indistinct. A new image superimposed itself over them—a different wedding, high on a stone roof. A temple. Two rivers glistened distantly on either side…

I gasped and blinked. The image vanished and I turned to Cas. He was looking at me with the same ache I’d felt for so long. His longing a reflection of mine and now so close to the surface…

Dimly, I was aware that Kimberly and Nylah were kissing, the guests cheering and clapping, more than a few wiping their eyes. Then the newlyweds came down the aisle hand in hand and everyone got to their feet.

I wet my lips. “Cas, I—”

“There you are! Snuck in last minute, eh?”

We both flinched, and Cas let go of my hand while releasing me from the intensity of his gaze. Abby had her hands on her slender hips, her eyes only for him, as if she were starving and he was her next meal. She was supermodel stunning in a tight-fitting purple dress that hugged her curves, her hair falling in soft waves down her back. Guy was with her, handsome as usual in a beige sport coat and slacks, as if he’d stepped out of a Ralph Lauren catalog. Everyone said hi and cooed over the baby.

“That was a beautiful ceremony,” Guy said and nodded his head at Cas warily. “Hey, man.”

I braced myself for Casziel’s acid tongue or dagger glare. But he looked at Guy with a strange expression I couldn’t identify. As if they’d run a race and Cas had lost.

He shook Guy’s hand graciously. “Good to see you.”

“Uh, yeah, you too,” Guy said, surprised and then grinning. “Here’s hoping I left Zu at home, right?”

“I doubt he’ll bother you again.”