But kissing Ronan Wentz felt monumental. A seismic shift in my carefully constructed world that made my rules and protections feel flimsy and weak.

Ronan was pressed against me, waiting for me to tell him what came next, breathing hard, his eyes dark and dilated. The rain slid in rivulets down his cheekbones, down the sharp cut of his jaw, droplets falling from his lips… Then his gaze flickered to something down the street, and he pulled abruptly away from me.

“Let’s go.”

His sudden, cold tone felt like the rain, dousing the heat between us. He kept his jacket over me as we hurried to my car, but I got the impression it was more to hide me than to keep me dry.

We climbed in the Buick, me behind the wheel and him in the passenger seat. He glanced around, water dripping on the white upholstery.

“What was that?”

“Nothing,” he said. “Let’s just go.”

Ronan gave the address of his place, and I drove us in silence to the complex near the Cliffs, not far from my house.

“Which is yours?”

“Upper left.”

“Can I see it?”


The word dropped, final and hard. Humiliating. Like a cold slap to the face after the perfect heat of his mouth on mine. Worse, my heart ached as if it had been slapped too. Hard.

That’s it. I’m done making a fool of myself.

“Fine,” I snapped. “See you around some—”

The words were stolen from my mouth as Ronan closed the space between us and kissed me again. With both hands, I shoved him back, ready to spit fire. But in the space of one heartbeat, I fell into the smoky haze of his eyes and in the next, I was straddling him on the seat and bending my mouth to his.

Damn him…

He leaned back against the seat, bringing me with him and kissing me deeply now, languidly. His tongue tasting every corner, indulgent and slow. My arms wrapped around his neck, my hands in his hair, cradling his head as we kissed, savoring the taste and touch and wet heat of his mouth.

Finally, I came up for air. I traced the line of his cheekbo

ne, down to his cheek, to his full lips. Taking my time, examining every inch of that face that interrupted my minutes, and gazing into those gray eyes that were miles deep.

Don’t fall in, a tiny warning voice whispered, then was burned up in the small space between Ronan and me, in the car that was humid and hot.

“Put your hands on me,” I breathed.

His eyes widened and then darkened again. His hands that had been resting on my thighs slid up the loose linen, up to my waist, higher. With a feral grunt, his kiss turned raw and savage. His hands went under my sweater, found my breasts over my bra, cupping them and pinching my nipples while his mouth moved down my neck, leaving biting kisses that set fire to my skin.

Beneath me, I felt the iron hardness of his erection pressing through his jeans against the soft material of my pants. I ground down on him, and he answered by sliding his hands to my hips and doing it again. Moving me on him.

“My God,” I whispered, my head falling back. Ready to give him everything. Then Ronan froze. He wrenched his mouth from my neck, his eyes on the street through the windshield behind me.


I heard the squeal of tires and turned in time to see a flash of a white car swerve around and drive away.

“What was that?” I asked.

Ronan didn’t seem to hear me. “I’m so stupid,” he said, his voice heavy. “So fucking stupid…”

His words trailed and he gently but firmly removed me from his lap and pushed me away.