Except one. When I’d demanded to know where he’d been while I was rotting in foster care. His response echoed in my head.

We’re here now, aren’t we?

He was right. Because right now was all anyone was guaranteed…and the easiest thing to forget.

Part IV

Chapter Twenty-Eight


Bibi knocked on the bathroom door. “You ready, honey?”

I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

Am I ready?

I’d been preparing for this night for years. All those late nights, working by a single lightbulb in the garage until my muscles ached and my eyes burned; countless trips to the post office to mail off orders, saving every penny…

I let myself smile. A little one. “I’m ready.”

I smoothed down my bright yellow dress and gave my hair one last inspection. Letitia was a wizard. She and the rest of the family had arrived a few days ahead of the grand opening, and she’d spent an afternoon giving me boho braids—small, less polished, loose ends, with strands of color woven in here and there. I loved it. I loved that she was here with me to see this. Letitia had opened her own shop too; she knew what tonight felt like better than anyone.

I let out a shaky breath and went out.

Except for Violet who was at Baylor in Texas, everyone I loved was gathered in the living room. Uncle Rudy, Aunt Bertie, Letitia, Bibi, and Ronan, who looked devastating in charcoal slacks, a fitted white button down, and dark blazer. His uncle had left him a pile of money and he’d bought some new clothes. He hated shopping but said it was worth it to make my night as perfect as possible.

“I don’t need anyone thinking I’m the bouncer,” he’d said.

“That’s ridiculous,” I’d teased. “You’d obviously be my arm candy.”

My family, each dressed up for the occasion too, burst into excited—and excessive—crowing and cooing over me when I stepped out of the bathroom. Ronan stood quietly among them, the look on his face worth a thousand compliments.

“I’m so glad you’re all here,” I said, hugging and kissing them. “You too, Mama.”

My mother smiled thinly from her seat at the dining room table, apart from everyone else. She looked beautiful in a deep maroon dress, but her eyes were glassy. When they’d arrived this morning, I’d bent to kiss her cheek and thought I smelled alcohol. And when I’d introduced Ronan as my boyfriend, her face had frozen, a million thoughts behind her eyes. She’d only been courteous to him since.

“Let’s get on now before I burst with excitement,” Bibi said. My grandmother looked beautiful in a purple dress with bright yellow flowers and was wearing her favorite wig—the one she said made her feel like Oprah.

“Yes, let’s!” Aunt Bertie said. She beamed at me. “I am dying to see all your hard work come to life, sugar.”

“Two entrepreneurs in the family,” Letitia said and high fived me. “Black Girl Magic, for real.”

My smile was so wide, I thought my face would split, the happiness trying to burst free, but I couldn’t let it. I was still scared to feel so much. As if that were tempting fate.

A few days after high school graduation, I learned that the city was going to lease me the laundromat space. The next weeks passed in a flurry of activity, remodeling it and getting it ready. I had my start-up bank loan but quickly learned that $50K sounded like a lot more money than it was.

Ronan wanted to spend his uncle’s money on me, but I refused. I compromised by letting him design and build the displays for my jewelry and help me with the remodel. Turned out, my backyard work shed was only a small example of Ronan’s skills. I would’ve spent a small fortune for the work he did with just as much expert care and precision.

I met his eyes across the room. And he picked the name…

Uncle Rudy clapped his hands together. “Come on, ladies. Let’s roll.”

We stepped out into the late afternoon twilight. I’d been at the shop all day preparing with the event planner and had come home to change and bring the family early before the crowds came.

If the crowds came.

Ronan’s hand found mine and he gave it a squeeze. “Hey. It’s going to be perfect.”