Donte Weatherly stood in the drive, hands in his pockets. He looked good—tall and packed with the lean muscle of a wide receiver. He was dressed in expensive jeans, top-of-the-line basketball shoes, a leather jacket. A thick gold necklace hung around his neck. His smile was as charming as ever; if he ever got tired of football, he could switch to Hollywood, easy.

“Hey,” I said, my stomach tightening. I set down my clipboard and pen and stepped out into the sun. “Can I help you with something?”

“Nah, man, I’m not a customer, though that Mustang looks pretty sweet.”

“It’s coming along.” I crossed my arms. “How’s football life? The draft’s coming up, isn’t it?”

“Yeah.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “They’re saying I could go in the top ten.”

“That’s what I heard. Awesome, man.” I waited for a twinge of jealousy to find me, that he was living the life I could’ve had. It never came. “Who’re you hoping for?”

“Anyone but the Browns,” he said and laughed. “Kidding. I’m just ready to play.” He cocked his head. “Don’t you miss it?”

“Not even a little.”

“I’m going to have to take a little offense at that. Our signature Whitmore-to-Weatherly bomb was highly satisfying.”

“Those were pretty sweet, but I like cars more.”

“Cool, cool.” Donte’s trademark smile downshifted to a nervous grimace. “So yeah, I just came to see how you’re doing. It’s been awhile. You free to grab dinner or a beer tonight?”

“Can’t,” I said, holding his gaze. “I have a date.”

Donte shoved his hands in his pockets. “That’s cool.”

“You think so?”

“Yeah, I do. Whatever makes you happy, you know?”

“Since when?”

“My girlfriend’s brother is gay. I’ve been getting to know him and—”

“And lo and behold, it dawned on you that gay people are human too?” I snapped, the anger rushing to the fore. I sucked it back in. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. I deserve it. And no, it dawned on me that I’ve been an asshole. That you needed my friendship and I didn’t give it to you. I withheld it at the worst fucking time and for the dumbest fucking reason. You are who you are, and I miss you. I miss my friend.”

“Me too,” I said, not realizing how much until I’d said it.

Donte shook his head, remorse painted all over his face. “I’m sorry about all that shit that went down. I should’ve visited you in the hospital after the accident. I should’ve…Christ, I should’ve been at your mom’s funeral. I’m sorry, River. For whatever it’s worth.”

“I’ll take it. I’m glad you’re here.”



Gratitude washed over his face and he gave me a hug. “I am sorry, man.”

I clapped his back and pulled away before the cracks in the dam began to burst. “It’s all good.”

“So this date…” Donte cleared his throat. “Is he hot or what?”

I burst out laughing.

“Shut up.” He chuckled. “It’s a valid question.”

“I guess he’s good looking. I haven’t really thought about it.”