“And not a moment too soon,” Evelyn said. “Vi’s our sweet little Snow White. Our Drew Barrymore—never been kissed. Girl, you have a lot of catching up to do. A lot.”

Caitlin stared. “You’ve never been kissed? Really?”

I shrugged, my eyes on the tile floor. “It just never…happened.”

Julia giggled. “You set the bar high by going straight to River.”

“Right?” Caitlin said. “Like eating dessert first, without having to choke down the vegetables. God, I remember my first kiss. Thirteen, with Danny Cunningham. Blech.”

We exited the bathroom in the bright, mid-morning sunshine, the girls reminiscing about their first kisses, their first everythings. They were all so experienced compared to me, having rounded all the bases with more than one boyfriend, while I’d been sitting on the bench, studying and working and letting those events pass me by.

Maybe Julia was right that I’d been holding out for River. My long-standing crush was finally coming to fruition. Maybe we’d be boyfriend and girlfriend, and we’d make up for everything I’d missed. Then he’d go off to Alabama or Texas for football, and I’d take the first steps toward becoming a doctor. All according to plan.

Except that my grand plan felt dry and hollow lately, and the reason was as stark and simple as a math equation with only one answer: because Miller wasn’t in it.

I drove to the Whitmore’s after school for my volunteer time with Nancy. River’s truck was parked in the drive. Dazia had told me to let myself in from now on, since she was in and out, and Mr. Whitmore worked at the Auto Body shop until late.

I took the stairs up to the second floor, to Nancy’s room. The door was ajar and low voices came from inside. River’s voice. I started to back off to give them privacy, but something in Nancy’s tone—soft but intense—arrested me.

“…more than anything, I just want to see you happy.”

“Don’t know about that right now, Mom,” River said. “There’s a lot going on.”

“I know. But keep your heart open. That’s all I ask. And please don’t force anything on my behalf. I was just curious if there might be anyone special.”

A short silence fell, and I turned away, ashamed at myself for eavesdropping.

“Violet,” River blurted.

I froze, my heart crashing.

“My Violet? Really? She’s lovely, but—”

“Yeah, and actually, I have some news. I think I heard her car pull up. Hold on.”

Oh shit.

I started down the hall, but it’d be obvious I’d been running away. I turned back around and reached for the door just as River threw it open.

I jumped back with a little cry, my nerves lit


“Shit, sorry I scared you,” River said. He rubbed the back of his neck, looking just as nervous as me.

“It’s fine. I can come back if—”

“No, come in. Please.”

I followed River inside. Nancy, looking wan and jaundiced, smiled to see me. A beam of warm light streamed over her from the window.

“Hello, darling.”

“Hi, Mrs. Whitmore.”

“Nancy, please. Remember?”

“Right. Okay.”