Holden went down beside me, and we lay on our backs, staring at the night sky.

“I don’t believe we’ve officially met. Holden Parish.”

“Miller Stratton.”

We shook hands and Holden jerked his chin at Ronan looming over us. “And who’s the Brute Squad?”

I laughed harder. “R-Ronan Wentz.”

Holden jerked his hand straight up. “A pleasure.”

Ronan crossed his arms. “Crazy bastards.”

Another round of laughter rolled through us.

“How did you do that?” Holden asked me, wiping his eyes.

“Do what?”

“Play and sing like you did. Like…a fucking miracle.”

Warmth bloomed in my chest. “Nah. Everyone’s heard that song. It’s a million years old.”

Holden shrugged, staring at the sky. “They’ve heard the song, but you put your heart and soul out there. That’s not something people hear every day.”

He was wrong. I didn’t put my heart on a slab for them but for Violet. And then I shoved it in her face. The tears in her eyes…

It was our song and I gave it away.

The front door banged open. “I said, get the fuck off my property!”

Chance stormed down the walk. River—the fucking asshole who probably gave Violet her first kiss in the closet that night—followed after, his expression dark and solemn. Calm and sober compared to Chance’s enraged drunk.

Fuck you.

My laughter died, and I hauled myself off the lawn. Holden scrambled to his feet and drew Chance’s attention by climbing onto a Range Rover parked in the drive. The car alarm blared down the darkened street, lights flashing. Amber hurried out of the house, my guitar case in her hand.

“Here,” she said, handing it to me. Her eyes were cornflower blue. Light, where Violet’s were dark. Her hair was the sun, when Violet’s was jet black. Her lips thin, while Violet’s were full and ripe to be kissed…

River got her kiss. He’ll get all her firsts…


“Oh, hey,” I said, taking the case from her. “Strange fucking night.”

“You played beautifully. Just…incredible.”

“Yeah, thanks.” I hadn’t the first clue what to say to her. It wasn’t her I wanted to be talking to.

Holden raced passed me, laughing. “Time to go.”

“Time to go,” I repeated to Amber, the laughter starting to creep back in. “Um…see you later?”

She smiled. “I hope so.”

The sound of police sirens wailed in the distance as Holden led Ronan and me toward a black sedan parked across the street. A uniformed driver sat in the front seat.

“Good evening, James,” Holden said as we climbed in the back. “Would you be so kind as to remove my friends and me from the immediate area?”