“He’s been a pretty great friend to me, too.”

“That’s all that matters then. That you two are happy. Have a great time tonight.”

I have to say goodbye to her too.

I felt like my smile was scaffolding, holding my emotions in. If I let it fall, everything would come tumbling out.

River took us to dinner at Lillian’s Italian Bistro, where we sat across from each other at a little table for two. River was dashingly handsome in a black tux with a royal blue tie and cummerbund that matched my dress, but my mind kept wanting to mentally Photoshop Miller sitting there instead. He’d look ruggedly handsome, scruff over his cheeks, maybe in dark jeans and a sport coat and tie that he wouldn’t stop tugging at. Unpolished and perfect.

“You look very beautiful,” River said. “And Happy Birthday.”

“Thank you.”

“But you seem a little down.” He toyed with his fork. “I know you’d rather be with someone else.”

“Wouldn’t you?” I asked with a gentle smile.

He started to shake his head, then nodded. “Yeah, I do. Not at the dance necessarily but just…”

“To be with him.”


“Me too.”

A short silence passed and then River laughed. “God, what a pair we are. We gotta perk up or something. Today’s your birthday. Eighteen, right? You’re an official adult now. Welcome to the club. It’s total shit.”

I laughed ruefully. “I know it. God it feels like it hit me all at once. In the space of one day, I had to grow up and learn to fend for myself.”

“You mean going to college? I thought you were staying here. UCSC.”

“No,” I said, feeling the scaffolding tremble. “Baylor, in Texas.”

“Oh yeah? I got accepted to Alabama University. We’ll almost be neighbors.”

“You’re really leaving, too? To play football?”

“What else am I good for? I wanted to stay and work at Dad’s shop, but he won’t hear of it. His heart is set on the NFL. Maybe I’ll get to take the shop over when he retires. Then I can come back and be…”

“Home,” I said.

“Yeah.” River said. “Home.”

The dinner

was delicious. and somehow I managed to not drop one noodle onto my dress. River had just requested the check when my phone in my purse buzzed a text from Miller.

About to board the plane. Long day but they fucking did it. I have a deal. Head’s exploding. Tell you everything when I get back. Love you, Vi.

I nearly dropped the phone. Pure joy suffused me, flooding out all of the disappointment and heartache of the last few days.

River raised a brow. “Good news?”

“The best. I…I can’t even believe I get to say this out loud, but Miller got a record deal with Gold Line.”

“No shit? That’s awesome. Is it because of Evelyn’s vlog?”

“Yeah,” I said, deflating a little. “She gave him a platform. And they found him.”