“Yeah. Yes. I’d like that. Thank you.”

My skin burned so hot with a mixture of happiness and embarrassment, I thought I must be glowing in the dark.

“Great. We can work out the details later,” River said.


Another silence and then someone pounded on the door, making me jump.

“Time’s up! Come on out, Violet. River, stay put.”

“That’s my cue.”

I started to get to my feet when River’s heavy, strong hand found mine. I felt him lean in; the dark between us shifted, and my space was filled with him. I closed my eyes. Heart pounding. Lips parted.

This is it. My first kiss…

“Thank you, Violet,” River said, and his breath—tinged with beer and the stronger tones of tequila—wafted over my cheek a split second before his lips landed there.

A thrill skimmed down my neck, making my skin shiver pleasantly…until I realized that kiss on the cheek wasn’t an appetizer. It was the main course.

He sat back against the wall and let go of my hand. “You’d better get out of here before Evelyn starts screeching.”

“Oh. Right.” I got up while wrestling my skirt back down. “Okay…uh. Bye.”

I hurried out, a forced smile on my lips, ignoring the group’s cat calls and demands for details.

“Well?” Evelyn hissed when I resumed my seat beside her. “What happened?”

“That felt like Seven Years of Awkward,” I said through a smile. “God, that was bad. I didn’t say anything worthwhile or witty. I just clammed up like a dork.”

“You weren’t supposed to talk,” Evelyn said, frowning.

“He asked me to Homecoming…”

“Yes! I knew it!”

“I know but… We had no chemistry. Zilch. I just wasn’t myself.”

And he wasn’t exactly all charm and swoon either.

“You got nervous because he’s a hot guy, and you like him. Give it time. Going to the dance with him is just the beginning.”

“You’re right. I’m overthinking it.”

My fake smile turned genuine, and I eased a sigh…until I caught sight of Miller watching me. He quickly turned away, back to his conversation with Amber.

That’s…good, right? Maybe he’ll ask her to the dance. Maybe we can all go together.

For some reason, the thought made me want to laugh. Or cry. Or both. I’d probably had too much to drink.

The crowd was getting impatient, so Evelyn drew another name from the pile to join River. “Holden Parish.”

The crowd, guys especially, ooohed and nudged each other.

“None of that Neanderthal bullshit,” Evelyn scolded. “It’s the twenty-first century, for fuck’s sake.”

Holden tossed back a shot and climbed to his feet, swaying slightly. “If I’m not back in seven minutes…wait longer.”