I quickly typed back. OMFG Congratulations! You deserve everything good because you are everything good. I love you!! xoxo

The text was marked as delivered but not read. The plane must’ve taken off. I put the phone away.

River held up his glass. “Here’s to Miller. Rockstar in the making.”

My joy for him mixed with pain in equal measure. “To Miller,” I said. The man I’d have to say goodbye to.

Chapter Twenty-Two

At the Pogonip Country Club, garlands of lights were strung out over the walkway. The warm night was buzzing with insects and the smell of fresh flowers. Inside the ballroom, a DJ played Awolnation’s “The Best.” Couples in various shades of formalwear were dancing, huddled in groups talking, eating from the table of appetizers, or drinking sparkling cider.

“Hey, there’s Chance,” River said. “Let’s head over.”

“Sure,” I said and then my stomach tightened. Evelyn Gonzalez was in the group with Chance and a few other football players and their dates. She looked stunning in ruby red.

She gave me a brazen once-over. “Violet. You are on fire!”

“Thanks, so are you,” I said and meant it. Her scarlet dress hugged her curves, and her thick black hair tumbled down her back in waves, sparkles catching the light.

“Oh my God, did you hear from Miller?” she said. “He got the deal!”

“Yeah, he texted me.” I wondered with a pang if he’d called Evelyn first and tried to corral the jealousy.

“Isn’t it incredible?” she crowed. “Not that I’m surprised. I never doubted my boy for a second.”

My boy.

I started to ask her not to talk about my boyfriend like that, but she moved in close.

“Listen, Vi. I need to apologize to you.”

“For what?” I asked warily.

“For being cold and distant lately. Okay, fine. I’ve been a raging bitch.”

“I thought you were pissed at me for being Homecoming Queen.”

“Oh, that.” She waved her hand. “That was an eternity ago.”

I had a feeling she was being magnanimous because word on the street was that she was going to be Prom Queen and River would be her King.

“But for real,” Evelyn said. “I became caught up in handling Miller’s career, and I got carried away. But now that I’m set, I don’t want any bad blood between us. Do you forgive me?”

Before I could ask her what she meant that she was set, Donte Weatherly grabbed her around the waist and whispered something in her ear.

“Such a pig!” she laughed, smacking his arm. She gave me a little wave and then Donte swept her into the crowd of dancers.

River offered me his hand. “Want to dance?”

I forced a smile. “Sure.”

We squeezed onto the crowded dancefloor and were engulfed in the energy and music. River leaned in. “How am I doing compared to Homecoming?”

“Well, considering you never showed up for that one…”

He laughed. “I had nowhere to go but up.”

I laughed too, and we danced. One song after another, both of us trying to forget what was coming—college, separations, distance between us and what we loved. Over the course of the night, River was a perfect gentleman, bringing me hors d’oeuvres and sparkling water when we needed to refuel.