I grinned back at him, and moved forward to kiss him, but he leaned back slightly, shaking his head. “Uh-uh. You think you can tease me? I’m in control here. You’ll just have to wait now.”

Rolling my eyes, I said, “I should be careful what I wish for, huh?”

He nodded, but then laughed and captured my lips with his.

Chapter Fifteen - Always

The speeches were way more emotional than I’d expected; even Bryce’s had its moments of poignancy. Listening to his sweet, well thought out words was the perfect end to the reception, but it had been a long day, and a long time spent sitting down and listening. With everyone fed and champagne’d up, we were all ready to spend some time partying.

We moved from one side of the marquee to the other; it was closed off through the middle. The area where our wedding ceremony had taken place had been emptied and redecorated while we were eating, and as we all wandered back through, a collective gasp was heard.

Tables were laid out with pristine white tablecloths, and the chairs used for the wedding had been placed around them. The tables were adorned with balloons matching the colour scheme, and the tablecloths has been scattered with silver glitter, and those little bottles of bubbles shaped like champagne bottles. A huge dance floor had been set up, plus a stage for the live band we’d hired, but the most stunning part of the design was the tasteful, beautiful fairy lights that covered the ceiling. They twinkled like stars, creating a magical atmosphere.

It was breath-taking.

Radleigh and I held hands as we took to the dancefloor, ready for our first dance as husband and wife.

Husband and wife. Radleigh is my husband. I felt giddy every time that thought flitted through my mind.

Our guests slowly found seats, and those who had only been invited to the evening part of the wedding were already inside, drinking and listening to the soft music that played in the background.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!”

Radleigh and I turned towards the stage, where the band was in position, ready to play our song. It was the lead singer who had spoken, and he continued, “Congratulations to the newly married Mr and Mrs McCoy!”

A cheer erupted, and I glanced up at Radleigh, smiling.

“I’m sure you’re all ready to get this party started, but there is one thing we have to do first, and that is allow the bride and groom to have their first dance as a married couple. So… without further ado…” he paused and turned to his bandmates. “Take it away!”

The opening bars to I Won’t Give Up by Jason Mraz began to play, and Radleigh pulled me close to him. I slipped my arms around his waist and rested my head against his chest as we began to move to the music.

“Mrs McCoy,” he said gently, and I could hear the smile in his voice. I wanted to look up at him, but I was so comfortable right where I was, listening to his heartbeat and breathing in his scent. This was the most real alone time we’d had all day. Not alone alone, because people were, of course, still around, still watching us as we shared this moment, but it was a moment when we knew nobody would interrupt us. We were wrapped up in our own private bubble for the duration of our song, and I wanted to relish every second.

“That sounds really good,” I said softly.

“It sure does. Baby?”

As much as I didn’t want to move

from that spot, snuggled against his chest, his tone had grown serious, and I moved back slightly to look up at him.

His lips curved into the most gorgeous smile, and those stunning ice blue eyes sparkled as they looked into mine.

God dammit… I was lucky.

“There’s something I didn’t get to say during my speech,” he said, and I tilted my head slightly, waiting for him to continue. “I was thanking you for marrying me, and for Jessica, but… I didn’t get to tell you how incredible you are for taking on Jayden too.”


“No. Please. Let me say this. You didn’t just accept him. You don’t just tolerate him because he’s my son. You made him a part of our family from the day you met him, when you just took him out to the garden and played with him in the sandpit, like he’d always been around. Like it was just another day. And when I was sorting out things with James, you took Jayden away so he wouldn’t have to hear us fighting over him. And… that day when Jen wrecked your wedding dress. You should have been screaming at her, but still, your first concern was getting the children – all of them, even Harley - out of the way before you said anything. It’s those things I love about you. That even when you’re mad, or upset, or hurting, you still see the bigger picture. You see it better than I do. You always have.” He paused and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “I’m not really sure how I got so lucky, but I’m gonna make sure I never make you question how much I love you again.”

I gave him a soft smile, my heart melting at his words. I tightened my arms around him. “I’m the lucky one. I haven’t exactly been a walk in the park the whole time I’ve known you. But you still chose me.”

He leaned down, pressing the tip of his nose to mine. “I’ll always choose you, Leah.”

Closing my eyes as his words warmed every part of me, I raised my head slightly and my lips found his. “I love you,” I breathed.

“More than you can say?” he asked, and I felt his lips curve into a gentle smile against mine.