I nodded, and Bree turned the stereo on. When a cheesy song from the nineties began to play, she laughed out loud and started dancing, shaking her ass back and forth. “Who’s with me?”

The rest of us exchanged a look. Knowing we couldn’t resist, we all got up from where we sat and joined her. We must have looked ridiculous, dancing around in our nightclothes, but none of us cared. For that brief moment in time, whatever had happened over the past few months was forgotten. I was amongst some of my favourite people in the world and, oh yeah, I was getting married in the morning.

Chapter Thirteen – Something Old, Something New

Holy. Shit.

As my eyes fluttered open, two things entered my head simultaneously. Firstly, judging by the thudding in my head, I’d had more to drink than I’d intended. Secondly…

It was my wedding day.

I blinked a few times to wake myself up, and as my vision cleared, I chuckled. I’d crashed out on a sofa at some point, and Chrissie had done the same. Bree was sprawled on the floor with her bathrobe covering her head and the top half of her body. I could see her breathing, so I knew she was okay. Freya was propped up against the sofa Chrissie was sleeping on – it looked severely uncomfortable and she was going to be sore when she woke up. Izzy was curled up in a ball next to the stereo, using her bathrobe as a blanket.

How we were going to get up, ready and be presentable by one p.m., I had no clue.

The clock on the wall told me it was six-thirty. We had to be back at my house for nine, because that was where everyone would be getting ready. We’d discussed us getting ready at the hotel, but it would be pretty much impossible for me to get into my house without the press getting a shot of me in my wedding dress, so we – all my bridesmaids and page boys, and my mum and Deanna – were all coming to my place to get ready. My hair stylist and the photographer were arriving at nine-thirty, and Bree would be working on make-up until we were all ready.

It was going to be a nightmare. Especially if my friends felt as fuzzy as me.

I hadn’t thought to bring any painkillers as none of us were supposed to drink much. I wasn’t hungover exactly, but I felt groggier than I’d intended. In lieu of tablets, I decided to drag myself off the sofa and head for the kitchen area to brew some coffee. God knows, we would all need it.

As I waited for the coffee machine to do its thing, I sat down on a stool around the kitchen island because I couldn’t handle being on my feet just yet.

The butterflies in my stomach began to stir.

God. This was actually going to happen. After struggles and fights and mistakes. After loss and heartache and pain. We’d made it.

“Morning.” Freya’s voice was a little weak as she shuffled into the kitchen, bleary eyed and rubbing her neck. She eased herself onto the stool next to mine. “I should have slept on the floor, not against the couch. I need another massage.”

I chuckled. “I think we could all use a spa treatment today.”

Turning her head towards me, a small grin spread across her face until she was beaming at me. “Happy wedding day!”

Smiling back at her, I said, “Thank you. I was just about to go and throw up.”

“Hangover or nerves?”

“Nerves.” I drew in a deep breath as the reality of marrying Radleigh washed over me again. “I know I don’t need to be worried about anything, but like I said last night, with everything that’s happened over the last few months, I can’t help being a little apprehensive.”

Freya took my hand and squeezed it gently. “Today is going to be perfect, Leah. It’s going to be everything you want it to be. And we’re all going to be around you. Everyone you love is going to be there to watch you marry the man of your dreams.”

Before I could answer, I heard my phone beeping and vibrating across the table where I’d left it before I crashed out. My heart clenched. What if it was Deanna, saying something was wrong with Jessica? What if something had happened to Radleigh? Trying to keep my composure, I wandered over to the table, my body shaking the whole way. The sound of the vibrating had woken the rest of my friends, but I didn’t acknowledge them. I couldn’t until I’d read the message.

I picked up my phone, and when my eyes fell on the message, my heart rate lowered and my body ceased trembling.

I can’t wait to marry you. I love you x

Smiling, I hugged my phone to me, wishing Radleigh was with me so I could hug him for real. Six hours to go.

I can’t wait to be your wife. I love you too xx

Blowing out a breath, I looked up at my friend

s and grinned. “Morning, ladies. Let’s get this show on the road!”

Although we were all a little worse for wear, we managed to get ourselves showered, dressed and mildly caffeinated by eight thirty, and back at my house by ten to nine. Well on time. My home looked chaotic out front. There were the what felt like permanent paparazzi outside the gates, waiting to get a look at the wedding party, and five burly security guys guarding the gates, trying to restrict their view. Camera flashes went off as our car drove onto the property, but the blackened out windows meant they wouldn’t get a lucky shot. The car drove as close to the door as it could possibly get – which wasn’t too close since there were many other cars and vans already in the driveway - and we bundled out quickly, heads down until we’d got through the door.

Further chaos greeted us inside, as staff that wouldn’t normally have been there, plus caterers and all manner of other wedding day helpers milled about, getting everything ready. Before I could become overwhelmed with the scene, my mum and Deanna rushed from the kitchen. After they both hugged each and every one of us, they hurried us up the stairs to my room, away from the crazy.