Page 42 of Play On (Game On 4)

I didn’t miss Will less; I’d accepted he was gone.

Knowing something and accepting it is the difference between living in reality and living in a bubble. The initial pop was excruciating as I moved around without the layer of denial wrapped around me. I stumbled, I crashed; sometimes I fell down and felt unable to get up, but I did get up. I kept on standing, and even on shaky legs, I took the steps forward to find myself again.

I never expected to find Miguel. Never thought I’d get tingly when he put his hand on my back or brushed my hair from my face. The timing was awful, the situation strange, and I’d had many sleepless nights trying to figure out if it was him, or if I was just lonely and filling a void. Strange how, after yet another sleepless night at the end of a busy and stressful day, the answers started to appear.

I’d been lonely without Will; not just as my boyfriend but as my best friend, my partner in crime. But Miguel wasn’t the only single man in my life. God, I’d spent hours in Bryce’s arms, talking, crying, and just letting him hold me. On occasions, before he hated me, Cody had stayed by my side when we all hung out together. He’d held my hand and looked out for me. Even Ethan, who I was still just getting to know, had been sweet and considerate. I felt nothing for any of them.

If our link to Will was what brought Miguel and I closer, was it so bad? Maybe to some people; maybe even a little to me because it had happened so quickly.

None of these realisations helped me decide what I’d do next, but it did allow me a little peace. A bit of silence in my busy mind where I could hate myself a little less.

Chapter 13 - Perfect


I didn’t think I was tired but I must have drifted off to sleep in the waiting room. I jolted at the sound of Radleigh’s voice and blinked as I looked up at him, noticing the grin on his face as my vision cleared.

“It’s a girl.”

I leapt out of my seat, almost losing my balance from jumping up so fast, threw my arms around him – something I’d never done before – and hugged him tightly. “Congratulations! Is everyone okay?”

“Everyone’s perfect. You wanna come in and meet our little girl?”

“Hell yes!”

I unwound my arms from around him and he said, “Hold on.” I halted my footsteps towards Leah’s room. “You’ve been awesome today… or since yesterday, and I know you’re tired but I need a favour.” I tipped my head to one side, waiting. “Leah has something she wants to tell you, so I said I’d go grab a coffee and some food while you two talk. I’m actually going home; there’s something I need to get, but please don’t tell her I’ve left. I’ll be back as soon as I can, but can you stay with her until then?”

“Sure, but what’s so urgent that you need to go right now?” He’d just become a father, and the look on his face clearly told me he couldn’t wait to get back to his girls.

He grinned again. “You’ll see.”

Radleigh should have been as tired as me, probably more so, but he sped out of the hospital and I couldn’t help wondering what he was up to. I looked at my watch. I’d been asleep for more than an hour so I guessed he’d spent a little time with Leah and the baby before running off. I shook my head as I headed to Leah’s room; all would become clear soon. Hopefully.

As I opened the door, Leah looked up and the sheer joy on her face made my heart leap and tears fall from my eyes. My beautiful best friend, exhausted but radiating happiness, sat in her bed holding her new born baby girl close to her.

“There’s someone over here waiting to meet you,” she said, her own eyes filling up.

She shuffled carefully backwards, wincing slightly at the movement, and I perched on the edge of the bed beside her. Leah gently moved the white blanket slightly away from her daughter’s face so I could see her better.

Perfect. Just perfect.

She was so tiny, with a cute little button nose and a light covering of jet black hair. Her eyes were squeezed shut and I wished she would wake up, just so I could see what colour they were.

“Leah,” I breathed. “She’s gorgeous.”

She laughed softly. “I think so, but I’m kind of biased.”

“I can’t believe how small she is.” I reached out and gently touched her tiny hand; her skin silky smooth under my fingers.

“Six pounds exactly.” Leah gazed fondly at her baby girl then looked up at me. “Do you want to hold her?”

I nodded, trying to contain my emotions as I leaned forwards and very gently took her from Leah, cradling her in my arms. She wriggled a little at being disturbed, her pink lips pursing for a second, making Leah and I laugh before she settled down again. I dipped my head and lightly kissed her forehead, breathing in that special baby scent and causing another flutter inside my chest. I was already in love with this tiny human, and again I stroked my fingers across hers, mesmerized.

Leah gently ran her fingertips over her baby’s hair. “This is Auntie Freya,” she said softly. “Auntie Freya is Mummy’s best friend, and I think she’s going to spoil you rotten.”

“No doubt.” I laughed. “And just wait until you meet Auntie Bree. You’ll have the most clothes any baby has ever had.”

Leah chuckled then closed her hand over mine. I tore my eyes away from the sight that had me so enchanted and looked up at Leah. Her eyes still sparkled with unshed tears, and she took a deep breath. “Auntie Freya, I’d like to properly introduce you to your honorary niece, Jessica Willa McCoy.”