Page 54 of Unintended


He shook his head, and then he smirked. “Well, at least not until you’re thirty-one.”

My mouth dropped open and he laughed and quickly moved away from me around to the passenger side of my car.

I smiled to myself. I knew I’d probably just caught him on the same tattoo high I was on, but it was nice to see him more relaxed around me. And just relaxed in general.

I unlocked the car and we got inside and put on our seatbelts.

“Evie?” I looked over at Ash, and he said, “If it’s okay with you, would I be able to take you up on the offer of going out tonight?”

When Ash had said he wanted to get a tattoo too, I’d been surprised. The way he’d stumbled over his words had amused me, but I loved that he wanted to join me on my mission to break out of my rut. But I’d never been more shocked than when he’d said he wanted to come to Keely’s with me. I’d thought he’d much prefer the quiet of my house to a party, even though it was never going to be a wild one. In some ways, I almost would have preferred something a little more upbeat, just because I felt so liberated after taking a step in the right direction. I didn’t want to stop.

I never did New Year’s resolutions, but I was planning to make it my aim to get out more, enjoy myself more, and do more things that scared me—because the tattoo was scary as hell.

As Ash and I approached Keely’s front door, he said, “Are you sure they don’t mind me coming?”

He’d asked at least four times during the day, and I’d even showed him the text from Keely saying he was welcome, yet somehow, he still wasn’t sure. I guessed it came more from nerves than anything else though. It was one thing going out to a club to see a band, where he could blend into the crowd, but here, he was a bit more exposed. It didn’t help that he still had a hint of bruising at the top of his neck, but I doubted anyone would notice it. He’d worn a t-shirt with a collar, which would hide most of it. I knew he was conscious of it though, because he’d kept adjusting it until I’d told him it was fine.

“They really don’t mind,” I told him. “But if you want to go home, we can. Now, or just if you get too uncomfortable later.”

He looked at me with apprehension in his eyes, as if he was thinking he would have been better off staying at mine.

“I don’t want to make you leave,” he said. “We’ll stay as long as you want to.”

He really was incredibly thoughtful, and his blue eyes sparkled a little in the glow from the fairy lights hanging tastefully around the porch. He’d even had a bit of a shave, trimming up his beard.

Maybe if he was just a bit older…

I shook the thought from my head. “Let’s just see how things go.”

I reached up and rang the doorbell, clutching the bottle of red wine I’d brought with me. I didn’t drink it myself, but I knew Keely loved it, and there would be others who would too. Keely and Nick always made sure to stock up on everything people might need, but I never felt right going over empty-handed.

“Evie!” Keely said, opening the door and ushering us in. The low hum of chatter from the living room and kitchen could be heard, and there was some pop music playing too. It wasn’t a big party atmosphere, but there was a definite buzz in the air, and I handed her the wine as I took off my jacket.

“Hey! You look amazing!”

And she really did. Her blonde hair was shiny and straight, and she wore tight blue jeans that showed off her figure—you’d never have guessed she’d had two kids—and a black low cut top. Sparkly earrings dangled from her lobes and her make-up was perfect.

“You look great too,” Keely said, and I thanked her but wasn’t sure I looked that good. I’d also chosen to wear blue skinny jeans, with a red off-the-shoulder top, my hair also down and straight for a change.

Keely’s eyes fell on Ash. “Keely, this is Ash,” I said, looking up at him. He’d become almost rigid again, even though I could tell he was trying to seem casual. “Ash, this is my best friend, Keely.”

“And I’m Nick!” Nick hopped out into the hallway, a bottle of beer in his hand. “Keely’s better half. Do you want a drink?”

Ash’s eyes shifted towards me quickly but then he nodded. He shrugged out of his jacket and I took it, holding it with mine.

“There’s loads of stuff to choose from,” Nick told him, making absolutely no big deal of Ash’s awkwardness, and Ash’s shoulders seemed to unclench a little.

I had never loved Nick more.

Nick gestured towards the living room. “Right this way. I’ll show you what we have.”

I gave Nick a grateful smile as Ash walked on ahead of him into the living room and then got swallowed up amongst the people. When they were gone, I hung up our jackets as best as I could on the already full coat rack, and when I turned back to Keely, I saw incredulity on her face.

“What?” I asked blankly.

“What?” she screeched, and I was grateful that people were too engaged in their own conversations to hear her. “Did you forget to tell me something?”