Page 67 of Behind the Curtain

She touched his face gently, a feeling of awe swelling in her.

“Kan bghik,” he grated out. I want you. “So damn much, Laila.” He pulled her closer, sheathing himself in her to the hilt.

Laila gasped as sensation swelled tight in her.

“And I’ve never honored you more for it,” she told him fiercely, before she rolled her hips, riding him. He hissed. His hold on her tightened.

He finally let go of his restraint. She felt it with every cell in her being. He pulsed her over him, taking the lead, controlling their dance with his powerful upper body. Pleasure inundated her. For a few blessed minutes, their fire reigned supreme, incinerating everything . . . making everything clean.

“You’re so beautiful right now,” she heard him say as if from far away. She cracked open her eyelids and saw that he watched her narrowly as she moved up and down over him. He grasped her hip in his big hand and reached with his thumb, rubbing her slick clitoris. She cried out shakily. “Come here,” he said, his mouth hard with mounting lust. He held her tightly to him, sucking a nipple into his mouth. He pumped her onto his cock in short, firm strokes, his muscles bunching hard with the effort. All the while, he sucked and pressed and pleasured her until she sizzled with the friction and heat. Just as she was about to light up, he grabbed her head and brought her mouth to his.

She screamed into his possessive kiss as pleasure blasted through her. Clutching him for all she was worth, she shifted her hips, desperate to bring him deeper. Pain fractured her shuddering bliss. He broke their kiss.

“What?” he demanded, glancing down to her leg.

“It’s nothing,” she moaned, her body still vibrating in aftershocks of pleasure.

“It’s not nothing. You scraped your knee on the damn rock,” he said, his face tight with concern. She glanced down dazedly, seeing that his shirt had slipped out from beneath them during their more heated moments. Blood smeared her knee.

“Here,” Asher said, lifting her off him.

“No . . . don’t, Asher,” she wailed. He was still hugely erect. It felt horrible, having their connection so abruptly broken. His face went tight with something that looked like pain, but he seemed determined. He set her on her feet next to the rock and stood next to her.

“You’re bleeding.”

“Barely. It’s a little scrape,” she moaned, feeling feverish. His cock jutted out between his thighs, impossible for her to ignore. She fisted the shaft and tugged on him boldly. He shut his eyes and groaned deep in his throat. “I’m fine, Asher. Make love to me.”

She fisted him tighter and pumped him briskly. He grimaced in pleasure, but she still sensed his hesitation. He was still concerned about a tiny scrape on her knee and a little blood. Her hand still on his cock, she reached behind his head and pulled him down to her. She nipped at his lips and stroked him with her hand. He was as hard as stone and slick with her juices.

Then it happened. She felt his restraint break. He grabbed her upper arms and hauled her against him. His tongue sank between her lips. His groan was guttural. Primal. Mixed triumph and arousal flooded through her.

“Laila,” he muttered thickly a moment later, his hot mouth against her neck. “You make me crazy.”

She was too dazed with arousal to answer logically. She tightened her hold on his erection, wanting so badly to be joined with him again. Then he was turning her in his arms and tensely giving her instructions. She leaned over the rock. He entered her from behind. Then there was only him, filling up her world.

“Asher,” she moaned, inundated. Overwhelmed.

All of his hesitation had vanished. He took her with a focused, deliberate abandonment. She loved his greediness. In that moment with him on that beach, she learned to crave his single-minded, complete possession of her.

She existed with him at the heart of a fire. He was the source, his long, powerful thrusts building the friction so perfectly. The sound of their bodies crashing together and his low growls of pleasure pulsed in her ears, faster and faster, louder and louder. She screamed through her clenched teeth and ignited again, wave after wave of release pulsing through her.

The sound of his roar penetrated her climax. She felt his cock swell inside her, then heard his ragged, rough groan as he began to come while he held himself deep inside her.

Suddenly, he cursed and jerked his cock out of her.

“God, Laila,” he groaned, and she heard the abject misery in his tone. She tried to turn around, startled, recognizing in a dazed way that something was wrong. He held her hips in place, though. She felt his cock brush against her ass . . . and wetness.

“The condom broke,” he said tensely between pants.

Chapter Fifteen

What?” She was too disoriented to fully absorb what he’d said, let alone become worried about it.

“Come on,” he said, gently but firmly urging her to stand.

“Asher, I don’t—”

“Get in the water, Laila. You need to wash off,” he insisted. She turned, studying his face. He looked fierce. Panicked? “I withdrew when I realized something didn’t feel right. When I did, I saw the condom had broken. I probably came some inside you. I’m not sure . . .”