Page 60 of Behind the Curtain

. . . Because she was, she realized. It had never felt like this before, like she was about to commit herself to some scary initiatory flames.

And then his finger was at her entrance, piercing her. She heard his voice. She trusted in it.

“Come for me. There’s no going back.”

His tongue found her again. His head twisted subtly but firmly between her thighs while his finger sank into her to the knuckle. She ignited, her entire body blasting with pleasure. She gave herself to the fire, feeling the old world falling further and further away.

• • •

When she came back to herself, Asher stood again next to the bed, shedding his shorts. He came down over her, helping her scoot farther onto the bed. She let her dress slip off her arms and fall away. She caressed his face when he came down over her, mouthing his name, wonder still clinging thick in her dazed consciousness. He touched his mouth to hers, and she tasted her desire mingling with his.

“I love you,” he said.

“I love you too.”

“Tell me how to say it in Moroccan.”

“Kan hubek,” she whispered feelingly.

He flexed his hips against her, and his heavy erection slid against her thigh. He looked so beautiful in the dim lamplight, his skin gilded from the sun, his muscles bulging and tight.

“Kan hubek,” he said.

It’s like a god came down to love me.

• • •

“I’m going to wear a condom,” he said.

She nodded, her throat too tight to speak.

“But I’m not going to come inside you either. The consequences are too big to play with the odds,” he said thickly.

For a few seconds, she wanted to weep. She had a wild, crazy urge to tell him no. She wanted him in her naked, for them to surrender to this completely.

All or nothing.

But then reality took hold, and she recognized her childishness. The selfishness of her impulse. They were committing to each other in a very deep sense. But the future was still far from certain. She couldn’t afford to get pregnant.

Asher couldn’t risk his future either.

“Yeah. You’re right,” she whispered. “Thank you for thinking of it.”

He leaned down and kissed her mouth. In typical Asher fashion, his kiss started out tender and quickly turned hot and fierce, melting her.

His mouth blazed a trail down her neck and chest. She lay with her head fully back on the pillows, feeling like she’d never felt in her life, like she’d discovered an additional sense. He touched her so reverently. So knowingly. His tongue swept across her nipple, and she gasped in wonder. His mouth enclosed her, warm and wet and hungry. She felt his firm suck tugging at her core. His hand moved at her sex. She called his name, raking her hands through his hair and squeezing the muscles of his shoulders with her palms. She could feel his cock pressed against the side of her hip. He felt so heavy . . . so stark and blunt and unapologetic in his need. She leaned up slightly, eager to return the pleasure. He caught her mouth in a hot kiss and her wrist with his hand.

“Let me touch you right now,” he said against her mouth. “It’ll be better for both of us this way.”

She wasn’t sure what he meant but gasped in relief when his hand returned to her sex. For a moment, she closed her eyes and swam in pure, decadent pleasure. Her eyelids fluttered open. He watched her closely while he took her to the brink again. She accepted his gaze into her private world, melting into it. Everything was blending and burning, and she wondered where he began and she ended.

“This is why they call it making love,” he said as if from a distance, a small smile of wonder curving his mouth. It was as if he was just getting something that had always seemed mundane that was, in actuality, one of the most profound truths of the universe.

And she felt it too.


“Shhh, it’s okay,” he said, calming her, because he’d just removed his hand when she was so close to climax. He stretched, opening a bedsi