Page 31 of Behind the Curtain

“How do you do that?” she asked slowly after a pause.

“Do what?”

“Read me like that.” she replied softly. “Not one person in my family has ever recognized the things about me that you have. Not for my whole life,” she said, looking at him. “And yet you’ve realized it in two days.”

“That’s because I’m seeing you. Not what I expect you to be.”

His words seemed to vibrate in her flesh.


sp; “Do you have any of the music you like here, in Crescent Bay?” he asked.

She nodded. “On my phone.”

“Bring it with you the next time we meet. Bring your music too. The stuff you’ve written.”

“You can read music?”

“No. But I can read your lyrics.”

Her cheeks heated at the idea of him looking at something that had remained private for so long, of him experiencing her in such an intimate way. The idea both mortified and excited her. “Maybe,” she hedged. “But like I said, I don’t think I can come tomorrow in the afternoon. Zarif doesn’t leave until four—”

“Tomorrow night, then? Rudy told me he asked your cousins and you to come over to my parents’ place.”

“I didn’t say yes, though.”

She saw his posture stiffen. “Why not?”

“Because you didn’t ask, Rudy did. I wasn’t sure if you actually were okay with it.”

He exhaled a laugh. “I’m okay with it, trust me. And I’m asking now. Will you?”

“I’d like to.”

“We’ll take the boat out and swim.”

“That sounds fun. We’ll just say that we’re going out to eat in town, after Zarif leaves.”

“Excellent.” For a moment, they just stared at each other. “Listen,” he said after a charged pause. “About what I said back there, about being selfish—”

She put her hand on his forearm, cutting him off. He stilled beneath her touch.

“I don’t think you’re being selfish. I’m here of my own free will, Asher. Do you think I’m selfish?”

“No,” he said grimly. “I think you’re the opposite of selfish.”

He lifted her hand and pressed his lips to her knuckles. Shivers poured through her at the sensation of his mouth moving against her skin. Astonished at her courage, she reached and touched his face, her fingers trailing across his cheek and jaw. She saw the gleam of moonlight in his eyes, and suddenly he was bracketing her jaw with his hands and tilting her face up to his. His mouth covered hers. She moaned shakily, overwhelmed by a kiss that was both demanding and gentle at once.


The kiss deepened. She loved sensing his hunger. Feeling it grow. One of his hands continued to cradle the side of her head, but the other cupped her shoulder, his fingers sliding against the skin of her back, fully awakening her already-sensitized nerves. She glided her hands up the top of his naked arms and shoulders, a thrill going through her. She felt his skin roughen beneath her fingertips and knew he liked her touch. The fever that had been lingering in her flesh ever since she’d left him this afternoon spiked high once again.

He was so beautiful. She wanted to touch him everywhere.

His big hands spread around the side of her ribs, the ridge of his thumbs resting just beneath the lower curve of her breasts. He groaned roughly and sealed their kiss, keeping their lips in contact.

“I love the way you feel in my hands.”